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About Hayfield Fun Club
Hayfield Fun Club
Hayfield Primary School, Swallow House Lane, Hayfield, High Peak, Derbyshire, SK22 2HB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision does not meet requirements The nominated individual has not notified Ofsted of changes to committee members. They have not provided Ofsted with information to carry out suitability checks. Additionally, there are weaknesses in the oversight of the club.
Committee members do not fully understand their role or legal responsibilities. Systems for the safe recruitment of staff are not always followed by the manager. Consequently, suitability cannot be assured for all committee members and staff, potentially compromising children's welfare and safety.
Despite this, children are happy and settled at the club. They enthusiastically take part in the... activities provided by staff. For example, they use their creative skills as they decorate chicks and rabbits for Easter.
Children are kind and polite to one another, for example they use their manners to request and share craft materials. Staff praise children's positive behaviour, supporting their self-esteem and confidence.Children develop a sense of self and belonging.
For example, staff discuss the different job roles of children's family members and people in the local community. Children proudly share what their parents do for work. They learn about farming and lambing season.
Children listen with interest as staff explain the role of blacksmiths and farriers in caring for horse's hooves.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The nominated individual has failed to notify Ofsted of changes to the committee. Committee members whose suitability has not been checked by Ofsted have access to sensitive and confidential information.
This includes potential safeguarding concerns and documents relating to staff recruitment. This could compromise the safeguarding of children.The manager does not always follow the club's safe recruitment procedures.
For example, she has not interviewed or obtained references for all staff to ensure their suitability to work with children. This potentially puts children at risk of harm.Staff provide children with clear expectations and consistent routines, helping them to understand what is happening next.
For instance, on arrival to the club children know to sit and listen while staff explain the activities on offer. Children, know the handwashing routine and confidently carry this out before eating.Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles.
They encourage children to try new tastes and textures. Children look forward to the varied and nutritious snacks provided by staff, which include pineapple, tomatoes, cucumber and oat cakes.Parents speak fondly of staff and the care provided at the club.
They report feeling reassured knowing that staff genuinely care and do their best for children. Parents appreciate staff's flexible approach to providing care and accommodating their children at additional sessions when needed. Staff share information about their children with parents daily.
This includes children's time at the club and passing on any messages about their school day, helping to provide a consistent approach to children's care.Staff promote children's growing independence. They encourage children to serve their own snack and drink.
Once snack is finished, children tidy away their plates and cups, helping them to develop skills for the future.Children relish spending time outdoors during physical play. Staff encourage children to take part in a range of physical activities.
For example, children use their core strength as they excitedly bounce on space hoppers and play hula hoops. They play football together helping to build stamina and coordination skills.Staff follow children's interests.
For instance, children make paper aeroplanes and staff encourage them to see whose plane will be the fastest. Staff know that some children like to create origami flowers. Children feel valued, as staff suggest that they could share their skills and lead an origami activity for their friends.
Staff have strong links with the host school. They effectively share information to ensure the individual needs of children are met. Staff embed topics from school such as internet safety, helping children to protect themselves when using online devices.
The established staff team work well together, and morale is high. This promotes a positive environment for staff and children. Staff feel supported by the manager, and have regular opportunities to share ideas, and any issues through informal discussions, supervision sessions and team meetings.
The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date provide Ofsted with the necessary information to carry out suitability checks on all members of the registered body 30/04/2024 ensure that all persons with governance and oversight understand their roles and responsibilities 30/04/2024 ensure that safe recruitment procedures are implemented for all staff to ensure suitability for their role.