Hazlemere Pre-School

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About Hazlemere Pre-School

Name Hazlemere Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ken Williams Memorial Pavillion, Amersham Road, Hazlemere, HIGH WYCOMBE, Buckinghamshire, HP15 7QW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The nursery environment is highly stimulating, both indoors and outdoors. Children can choose from a wide range of interesting activities.

They regularly become absorbed in their play. The youngest children indulge in an array of sensory play, for example they feel sand of differing textures. Younger children show delight as they make handprints in the sand and then take off their shoes and socks, giggling as they feel the sand between their toes.

Two-year-olds have immense fun making balls with play dough. Staff use these activities well to introduce mathematical terms, such as heavier, lighter, smaller, bigger, up an...d down. Older children learn about the weather and discover what makes it rain.

They discuss that grey clouds have rain in them and that rainbows have seven colours. Children are eager to learn and offer new vocabulary, such as 'indigo.' Staff introduce new words, such as 'evaporate' and children display their knowledge as they say, 'You have to have sun and rain together to get a rainbow.'

Staff are good role models for children. They communicate respectfully with each other and give children gentle reminders to say please and thank you. Staff support children to become confident and independent in their self-care needs.

For example, children learn the importance of good hygiene practices. They are aware they need to wash their hands before meals and after using the toilet.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The managers are highly committed leaders, who aspire to achieve the very best for the children and their families.

They include the views of parents to evaluate their strengths and areas for improvement. For example, a recent survey identified parents were a little confused at collection time as children were collected from different areas of the pre-school. A thorough review, which included stringent risk assessments, enabled the setting to streamline their collection procedures.

Parents praised the leaders for their swift actions and stated that the new procedure is easier to follow.Staff observe and assess children's learning regularly. They use the information gained to plan an ambitious curriculum, which considers children's interests and development needs.

However, during some planned activities, staff do not focus enough on the intended learning, particularly for the younger children, to help all children make the best possible progress.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make very good progress. This is because staff are knowledgeable about individual children's needs.

They work closely with parents and other professionals to ensure effective strategies are used consistently. Appropriate adaptations are made to make the curriculum accessible to children's specific needs.Staff understand the importance of helping children to become increasingly independent.

Children are provided with appropriate support as they learn to manage shoes and outdoor clothing. Younger children are encouraged to feed themselves and older children help to get the tables ready for mealtimes. Children show delight when they are selected to be the 'daily helper.'

There are good links with local schools to support transitions.Parents express high praise for the leaders and staff. They say they feel reassured that the staff know their children well.

Parents appreciate the regular updates on their children's progress. They are grateful for the support and advice given to them to support their children's development at home. Parents say that their children are 'happy' and 'thriving'.

Staff work well as a team and are supportive of each other. The manager uses effective strategies, such as regular supervision meetings, to promote the positive well-being of staff. Staff say they feel appreciated and respected in their role and strive to be the best childcare professionals they can.

Staff provide children with a wide variety of opportunities to go out and about into the local and wider communities. Parents are invited to special celebrations and events, such as sports day and to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.On the whole, staff know when they talk to children to speak slowly and clearly.

They give children time to think and respond to what has been said. Babies show they are learning the rules of communication as they sit with staff and wait for staff to respond to their babbling. This encourages babies to make further sounds to enable their conversations to continue.

However, at times, some staff do not use the correct pronunciations of words and names to enable children to further develop their communication skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The leaders and staff have a good understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.

They are vigilant and have a good awareness of what to do if they are concerned about a child. This includes following the whistle-blowing policy should they need to report an allegation against the leaders or a member of staff. They regularly refresh their knowledge of safeguarding, such as through discussions and training courses.

The manager follows comprehensive recruitment and induction procedures to ensure that staff working with children are suitable. She reviews their ongoing suitability on a regular basis.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the support given to staff to ensure that they plan and deliver group activities as effectively as possible, with particular focus on the younger children's learning and participation support staff to be consistent in modelling the correct pronunciation of words and promoting children's communication, to aid their emerging communication and language skills even further.

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