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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children greet staff with a hug when they collect them from the hall before walking to the club. Staff offer a warm welcome and show great interest when children tell them about their day.
All children know where to put their bags when they arrive at the club. They follow the rules and routines that staff set. For example, children wash their hands and sit on the carpet for staff to call the register.
Children are eager to play and engage with the activities and resources offered by staff. Children express their creativity and show their imagination as they take part in a range of craft activities. For example, they create... a healthy lunch box picture.
They skilfully use scissors to cut out food pictures from books and use a range of resources, such as glue and pens, to decorate their picture. Staff sit alongside children as they get creative and talk to them about the food choices they make and whether they are healthy or not. Children spend considerable amounts of time on activities and play harmoniously together.
Role play is a particular favourite. Children call on their real life experiences to re-enact medical situations. They bandage their friends and administer pretend injections.
Children welcome staff interactions and involve them in their play, listening to their heartbeat with a stethoscope.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager is proactive when making improvements to build on outcomes for children. For example, since the last inspection, staff have integrated children of all ages, so they play together.
The manager says the older children enjoy the company of the younger children and vice versa. This contributes to positive relationship building.Staff support children to develop a positive attitude to making choices.
They ask children if they want to play inside or outside. Older children invite younger ones to join in with their games and play. Children feel settled and have a strong sense of belonging.
Children benefit from positive interactions with staff that promote their confidence and social skills. One example of this is when staff encourage children to solve problems when they put tent pegs into the ground to secure a den. Children laugh joyfully when staff sprinkle water on the den to test if the children have built a watertight shelter.
Staff provide resources that reflect the education that children receive from school. For example, when staff read them the Reception class book of the month, children proudly show they remember the events in the story. Children confidently retell the story using props relating to the book.
Key staff working with younger children find out what topics they are learning in school and complement these with related activities in the club. However, the manager and staff acknowledge they could find out more about individual younger children's ongoing learning to be able to complement this even further in the club.Children behave very well.
Staff ensure children learn the rules, behaviour expectations and potential consequences of their actions. For example, they remind children that they must not stand on the edge of the low-level sand pit in case they fall off.Staff encourage children to follow healthy hygiene routines, and to do things for themselves.
For example, children wash their hands prior to eating, select their own tea from the wide variety of food. They use knives effectively to butter their own crackers.Staff create good relationships with parents.
Parents say staff keep them well informed about what their child has been doing and they comment the staff are very sensitive to their children's individual needs. Parents say that their children love coming to the club and speak highly of staff. Parents are confident that their children are well cared for and safe at the club.
The manager and staff have worked at the club for many years. This contributes to continuity of care and creates a team that works very well together. Staff say that they are happy in their roles and report that they are well supported by the leadership team.
They receive regular supervision meetings with the senior manager to review their performance and identify any training they may benefit from.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff are aware of their role to help keep children safe.
Staff can identify the signs and symptoms that may be indicators of children at possible risk. They are aware of the procedures to follow should they need to report a concern. There is a strong senior leadership team, who are always available to consult about safeguarding issues.
They provide staff with annual safeguarding refresher training and ensure that staff have up-to-date information. The manager carries out daily risk assessments, inside and outside, to help minimise any potential hazards in the environment. The premises are secure, so that children cannot leave unsupervised and unwanted visitors cannot gain access.