Heath Barn Preschool

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About Heath Barn Preschool

Name Heath Barn Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Thrift Road, Heath and Reach, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 0AX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CentralBedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are provided with a safe and welcoming environment that helps them to settle quickly. They are happy to be at the pre-school and develop strong bonds with their key person as well as their peers. Children have access to a broad range of resources that are easily accessible.

Staff give appropriate support when children begin at the pre-school, modelling how to use the many different toys and activities.Children learn how to make choices as they play. They become confident in making decisions and self-selecting.

Children take part in many mathematical experiences, from filling and emptying containers to sorting ...different media into types. Staff support children well. They take opportunities to add mathematical language alongside children's play.

For example, in the supermarket role play, staff talk about how much the shopping items cost and ask, 'Is this more or less?'Staff instinctively share books with children throughout the session. Children enjoy the familiar stories as well as spending quiet time with staff members and their peers in the relaxing book area. They join in enthusiastically with known songs and rhymes, carrying out the appropriate actions to match the words.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The pre-school's experienced manager reflects well on practice, taking into account the views of the parents and committee members. She successfully identifies areas for further improvement, helping to continually build on the quality of the provision.Children have access to some resources that reflect diversity.

Parents choose to return to the pre-school as each of their children reach the appropriate age. The local community is reflected well in the setting. However, opportunities to help children understand people and places outside their own community are few.

The highly qualified staff work well together. They know the children well and provide appropriate learning activities that challenge children's individual levels of development. Children are engaged and motivated in their play.

The quality of teaching is good. Staff skilfully adjust their interactions to meet the needs of individual children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They successfully link with other relevant professionals who are providing additional support for children.

This helps to provide continuity in care and united support for children's learning and development.Children behave well and are aware of the expectations of the pre-school. Staff are good role models.

They show respect for their colleagues and give guidance to children to help them understand the routines of the setting.Parents speak highly of the pre-school and give praise about the care their children receive. They are happy with the information that is shared about their children's learning and development.

Children have opportunity for fresh air each day as they use the pre-school garden. The outdoor space is organised well so that children can independently access a range of tools to help them practise many different skills. For example, children dig in the sand, use ropes to pull themselves up a hill, or mix the ingredients together in the mud kitchen.

Children gain the physical strength they need to help early writing.Children are prepared well for their next stage of learning when they move on to school. Staff provide opportunity and encouragement for children to become independent.

Children gain confidence and successfully carry out self-help skills. However, more can be done to further develop children's understanding of possible risk when using the internet, to help them understand how to keep themselves safe online.The manager organises regular opportunities for individual staff supervision meetings.

This helps identify areas for continued professional development as well as gaining staff views on their role and responsibilities. The manager is mindful of the expectations of the staff workload and their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff demonstrate good knowledge of what would give them cause for concern about the welfare of a child. They are clear about their procedures and how they would make a referral. The manager ensures that policies are reviewed in line with changes to legislation.

These are shared with the staff and committee members. Policies reflect safe use and storage of mobile phones and cameras.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more opportunities that help children to understand when they may be at risk when they use the internet build on children's experiences that help promote an understanding of people and places beyond their own community.

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