Hedge End Village Hall Preschool

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About Hedge End Village Hall Preschool

Name Hedge End Village Hall Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Old Library, St Johns Road, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 4AF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled at the pre-school. Staff are kind and welcoming to children and treat them with care and respect.

Children demonstrate that they feel safe as they invite staff into their play and seek them out when they are upset. Children also smile and chat to visitors; they enjoy showing off their toys and share their ideas and experiences readily. Children's behaviour is very good.

They listen and respond to adults positively throughout the day. Children demonstrate good manners and know about the rules and boundaries of the pre-school. They receive an abundance of encouragement and praise for their ...achievements.

For example, children independently find their photo and put away their coats and bags at the start of the day. This helps to boost their growing self-esteem. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive the support they need.

Children's learning experiences and development are enhanced effectively through the use of additional funding.Children make independent choices about whether to play indoors or outdoors, and have a say in key aspects of their day. For example, they use pebbles to vote for their favourite book.

Children make predictions about the most popular one and count the pebbles to confirm the winner.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager prides herself in creating a home-from-home environment where all the staff get to know the children well. This helps children and their parents to feel a real sense of belonging right from the start.

Parents are eager to share their compliments and positive experiences about the setting. They value and praise the high standards set by the staff.Staff know children well and talk about what they know and can do.

Staff use effective systems for planning and assessment to identify children's next steps and any gaps in learning.Children learn about the diversity of the wider world. For example, they receive letters and postcards from a different country each month.

Children follow characters around the world and mark the next country on their map of the world. However, support for children who speak English as an additional language is not consistent enough to help them to make the best possible progress.Older children show great curiosity and imagination as they excitedly transport water from the water pumping station.

They make 'porridge' for the 'three bears', mixing oats and mud together for their 'breakfast'. Children play cooperatively and demonstrate positive behaviours, such as being kind, sharing and taking turns. They continue working the water pump together, to ensure they have enough water for their newly planted beans and to make puddles for jumping in.

Children's early literacy skills are well supported throughout the pre-school. Children listen intently as staff read traditional stories. They make marks and begin to write their names on whiteboards.

Younger children have opportunities to explore rolling, pushing and poking play dough, which helps strengthen the muscles in their fingers and hands. These skills help children with later learning, such as reading and writing.The manager carries out staff observations and meets with staff regularly to help improve their practice.

Staff have the opportunity to attend training online. The manager is aspirational for her staff and the setting. She regularly works with outside agencies and reflects on improvements they can make to enhance the opportunities available to staff and children.

The planning of adult-led activities helps children to develop a range of skills, such as letter sounds and mathematical knowledge, as well as new vocabulary. However, staff do not always challenge older children enough to extend their learning, and younger, quieter children require more support to meet their individual needs.Motivated children learn and explore through the good range of resources on offer.

They learn to take manageable risks and use tools for a purpose. For example, children spend time hammering golf tee's into different vegetables. They understand why they must wear their safety gear and remind their friends to put on their goggles so they do not get hurt.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a good knowledge and understanding of the signs and indicators of abuse and neglect. They are confident in the referral procedure to follow should they have concerns about a child or a colleague's practice or conduct.

The manager provides staff with regular safeguarding training, which includes wider safeguarding matters. Staff benefit from regular meetings where they can discuss and recap on their knowledge. Robust recruitment arrangements help to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.

Staff maintain a suitable environment for children. For example, they complete daily safety checks, with the help of the children, to help minimise potential hazards.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove further the support on offer for children who speak English as an additional language to make even better progress in their learning and development nensure the planning of adult-led activities meets all children's individual needs to support their overall development and challenge them further.

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