Helter Skelter Nursery

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About Helter Skelter Nursery

Name Helter Skelter Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 23a York Street, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1PB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and confident at this welcoming nursery. Staff build positive relationships with children, who show that they feel safe and secure to explore the learning environments that staff have created for them.

Staff encourage children to make friends and remind them to use 'kind hands and words'. This is reinforced by staff who refer to visual cues to support children's understanding. For instance, they use simple signing and posters to communicate the rules effectively, such as using 'walking feet' inside.

Children understand the need to take care of their friends and to keep themselves and others safe. Chi...ldren are supported by staff to take turns. For example, staff show sand timers and talk about children having set amounts of time before the next part of the routine.

This helps children to know what to expect next, as well as understanding when it is their turn and that they need to wait. Staff model behaviours they expect of children, and as a result, children behave well. The environment is carefully arranged to supply children with vast choices.

This includes a large indoor soft-play area, which supports children's physical development. Children develop their large physical skills and learn to climb and balance. They show their enjoyment of the different activities on offer by playing for long periods of time.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Communication and language are a strong focus in the nursery. Staff model using a wide range of vocabulary, which in turn is used by children. For example, children demonstrate that they can name the equipment they are using to search for bugs, such as a 'magnifying glass'.

Staff use signing as an additional form of communication for children who are developing their speaking skills. Consequently, all children are supported to become fluent communicators.Staff model how to use resources and interact with children frequently.

For example, children are encouraged to count out scoops of water as they fill a bucket in the water tray. Play experiences are well supported by staff, and children are encouraged to find out more and be curious. However, on occasion, staff do not fully extend activities to stretch learning even further for the oldest children, particularly during large-group times.

Children develop independence skills from an early age. For example, children pour their drinks at snack time, serve their own snack and butter their own crackers. They discuss what food is beneficial to their health.

They discuss their likes and dislikes and begin to make independent food choices. This helps children to develop a sense of self and to explore what makes them unique compared with their peers.Overall, staff broaden children's knowledge through play experiences and extend their knowledge of people and places.

For example, staff plan for discussions as part of their topic about where food comes from. Children have daily opportunities for fresh air and exercise in the outdoor area. However, staff do not make best use of the immediate surroundings and wider environment to encourage children's understanding of the local community and world around them.

Staff keep parents well informed about their child's learning. For example, they have regular discussions with parents about their child's progress. Parents are able to have an input into what they would like their child to achieve next, to ensure their child makes good progress in their learning.

The support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is strong. Staff work closely with parents and other professionals to help children make good progress in their learning. Parents' feedback is highly complimentary.

Staff well-being is managed effectively, and staff feel confident to approach managers, who listen and provide a 'buddy' system for support. Managers support staff's interest in furthering their professional development. They make good use of staff supervision to identify specific targets that are unique to individual staff.

This enhances the potential for staff to continually build on their teaching skills through high-quality training courses.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of abuse and know, due to regular training, what to do if they are concerned about a child.

Staff understand and can articulate information regarding signs that could indicate a child is at risk of female genital mutilation or is being exposed to extreme views. Staff know how to follow policies and procedures and understand that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Most staff hold paediatric first-aid qualifications.

Managers receive regular training and know who to contact for further support if required. They undertake robust checks to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children at the recruitment stage and on an ongoing basis.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance staff interactions during group times to provide challenge for the oldest children in order to continually stretch and extend their learning strengthen the curriculum to provide experiences that support a deeper understanding of diverse communities, both locally and in the wider world.

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