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Building 2 (Former Barracks Site), Off Denny End Road, Waterbeach, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, CB25 9PA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Staff at the pre-school place a high priority on getting to know each family exceptionally well. They truly value the partnerships they have and demonstrate a strong sense of care for each child.
Children happily enter the pre-school in the morning, full of enthusiasm and anticipation about the day ahead. They are greeted warmly by staff and show they are confident and extremely secure in their care.Staff offer an array of excellent activities for children and ensure every child can take part.
They spend every moment playing alongside and expertly extend children's knowledge and enthusiasm as they play. For exam...ple, staff teach children about growing plants and help them cook their produce during cooking club and forest school activities. Children are exceptionally happy, motivated and busy throughout the day.
They are kind to one another and behave exceptionally well. Staff offer sensitive and gentle reminders about what is expected of children, on the rare occasion when this is needed. Children have an excellent knowledge of the routines and are extremely independent.
They are developing an awareness of risk and know what to do to protect themselves in certain situations. For example, children always take a sun hat from the box on sunny days and wear helmets when riding bicycles.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leadership and management are excellent.
The manager and deputy manager are passionate about the pre-school and strive tirelessly to provide the very best for children and families. Their determination and dedication have an immense impact on staff, who also share their vision. Trustees are highly supportive of the staff, and everyone prides themselves on the 'family feel' of the provision, which is at the heart of the community.
Managers and staff have designed a highly ambitious curriculum for all children. They constantly review and adapt where necessary to meet the needs of the children on roll. All staff show an impressive knowledge of what they want children to learn and how they implement their plans.
Children's different heritages, customs and languages are embraced and celebrated to give children a broad understanding of life in modern Britain.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities have outstanding support at the pre-school. Under the guidance of the exceptional special educational needs and disabilities coordinator, staff swiftly get to know children and ensure they can play with their friends in all activities on offer.
Staff go to extraordinary lengths to provide an inclusive curriculum and an environment where children feel less anxious.Staff's interactions with children are excellent. There is a genuine warmth between the two, and staff's conversations support children's communication skills at every opportunity.
Staff recognise when children are reluctant to talk in front of others and take every chance to build children's confidence as they play. Staff's skill at these times is exceptional as they give children the time they need to respond and contribute to conversations.Staff encourage children to develop a love of books.
They can be seen frequently reading to children and routinely give them time to read independently. Children learn to recognise their own name and practise their mark-making skills as they play. For example, children create their own labels for the seedlings they have grown.
Parents offer the highest praise about the staff at the pre-school. They appreciate how supportive managers and staff are, especially when children face changes in their lives, such as the arrival of a new baby in the family. Parents say they are well informed about children's development and are welcomed regularly into the pre-school to join their children.
Parents say, 'Magic happens here', and they describe how their children have 'excelled and come on in leaps and bounds.' Staff feel exceptionally well supported in their roles. They know that managers will do everything they can to keep their workload manageable.
Excellent supervision procedures are embedded in practice, and staff are highly motivated to do their best for children in their care.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interest's first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.