Hertsmere Mencap Holiday Club

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About Hertsmere Mencap Holiday Club

Name Hertsmere Mencap Holiday Club
Address St Teresas RC School, Brook Road, Borehamwood, WD6 5HL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision meets requirements The provider and her committed staff understand how to provide an excellent service for children with disabilities and special educational needs. They understand the importance of working closely with parents and other professionals involved in children's lives so that consistency in children's care and learning is provided.

The provider and the manager are very experienced. They know how to support children's learning. For example, they employ well-qualified staff and follow safe recruitment procedures.

They understand how to effectively use staff's expert knowledge and experience to support children's individual needs. The provider and ...the manager are well supported by an experienced administrator. They demonstrate through discussion and their use of documentation, how they will obtain information about children's interests and starting points.

They have procedures in place to plan activities based on these, in order to promote children's specific learning and development needs. The provider and the manager have a clear understanding of their role and responsibility to safeguard children. Staff attend regular training and new information is cascaded to all of the team so that they are aware of recent changes.

They are made aware of the procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of a child. The manager and her staff understand the need to provide stimulating experiences. They demonstrate through discussion and a tour of the premises that children are able to take part in a variety of play activities.

This includes sensory experiences, music, craft and soft play. There is an enclosed outdoor area where children can use balls, trikes and go-karts. The provider knows the value that outings and specialist visitors can bring to children.

These include visits from specially trained pets. The wide variety of outings include bowling, sailing and specialised parks, where all children can participate. Parents of older children attending speak extremely highly of the service provided.

They state that the staff are wonderful and that their children and all the family benefit from attending the playscheme. The provider and the manager know the importance of staff supervision. They also understand how to monitor the service that is provided when caring for children so that this continually contributes to children's care and learning.

There were no children present when this inspection took place. The findings in this report are based on evidence gathered from discussions with those who care for the children and an inspection of the premises, equipment and relevant documentation. Where there are no children present, no judgement is made on the quality of the early years provision as there is no reliable evidence on which to assess its impact on children.

The report states whether the provider continues to meet the requirements of registration. Inspection activities The inspector had a tour of the centre. She discussed how the playscheme operates and viewed the resources offered.

The inspector spoke to staff and older children present at the inspection. She also spoke to some older children's parents and took account of their views. The inspector had in-depth discussions with the manager and a senior staff member.

These related to their knowledge and understanding of the requirements for safeguarding and welfare, and learning and development. The inspector looked at a sample of policies, including the safeguarding procedures and discussed how these will be used in their practice. The inspector discussed self-evaluation and plans for improvement with the provider and the manager.

Inspector Maura Pigram Setting details Unique reference number EY476093 Local authority Hertfordshire Inspection number 967856

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