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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Babies and children are encouraged and supported to become curious learners. They thrive in the caring, safe and stimulating environments provided for them. Babies explore using their senses to touch, feel and taste.
Staff inspire children's enthusiasm for stories, and older children show good focus and motivation during the 'Three Little Pigs' story, supporting their early literacy and communication skills.Children's interests and well-being are at the heart of their learning experiences. Children are full of confidence and independence.
Children enjoy conversations with staff and other children at the table, independ...ently serving their own food. This provides children with a sense of ownership and helps them to feel valued, while also raising awareness of healthy choices.Parent partnership is strong and parents comment positively on the consistency and efficiency of the information shared.
Parents enjoy regular updates on social media, newsletters and home-learning activities helping them support their children's next steps. Managers ensured that links were kept with children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic through online bedtime stories, songs, music and movement.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The managers and staff are committed to providing the best possible care and education for all children.
They plan a broad and exciting curriculum, both inside and outside, that effectively motivates children to learn. This ensures that children make good progress from their starting points and develop the skills they need for future learning.Staff use assessment well to capture children's development.
This supports staff to recognise and implement the next stage of children's learning. Staff have good expectations for children and use 'room goals' to promote key skills in learning, for example, younger children learning to drink from an open lid-cup.Children have daily opportunities to play outdoors and engage in physical activity.
Staff support older children to use bigger movements to climb and jump, while younger children practise their mark-making skills and name shapes in the shaving foam.Children's communication and language skills are promoted well through positive interactions with staff. However, at times staff do not make the best use of opportunities to extend younger children's vocabulary.
For example, children show keen focus when mark making; however, opportunities to introduce new words were missed.Children who speak English as an additional language (EAL) are supported well. Keywords in various languages are used by staff and dual-language books are available in the sharing library for parents and children.
Children with dual language and EAL make good progress.Staff are sensitive to babies' individual needs. They intuitively sing rhymes and support learning through children's individual interests.
This inspires babies to respond appropriately, feel safe and secure within their environment. Older children hear thunder outside, and staff tune into their thoughts and feelings and are attentive to their needs.Children's emotional well-being is supported effectively from settling into the nursery or moving rooms to going to school.
Managers have recently implemented a 'buddy system', to ensure that children are fully supported when their key person is absent. Children have opportunities daily to discuss their feelings and enjoy small-group times with the 'worry monster' cuddly toy.Managers ensure that all children including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) progress well.
For example, room layouts have been adapted to ensure that all children have access to the same learning opportunities. Staff liaise with both the setting and lead special educational needs coordinator (SENCo), ensuring that children are fully supported.Partnerships with parents and outside agencies are a strength of the setting.
Parents confirm that they know what staff are supporting their children with next, so they can be consistent with helping them at home. Parents confirm that their children are making very good progress, especially those with SEND.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff demonstrate a strong understanding of their duty to protect children and report any concerns they may have about a child's well-being promptly. Managers have robust, effective and efficient recruitment procedures in place. This helps to ensure that adults working with children are suitable to do so.
The environment is regularly risk assessed and adapted, where necessary, to ensure that the environment is safe and secure for all children. Leaders ensure that staff are updated regularly on various aspects of safeguarding.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to strengthen staff interactions and extend children's language development further.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.