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Holgate Methodist Church, Acomb Road, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 4AE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children settle quickly from the start of the day. They are very happy and fully engaged during their time at the pre-school. Their curiosity and imagination are stimulated by the well-planned and organised learning environment indoors and out.
They enjoy the adult-led group activities, such as story times, yoga and 'Rugbytots' sessions. Staff have high expectations for children, overall. However, very occasionally, staff do not fully challenge all children.
Children show good levels of confidence and independence as they lead their own play. Staff form strong bonds with children and consistently speak to them in a war...m, friendly and gentle manner.Children show that they feel safe and secure during their time at the pre-school.
Staff establish close relationships with parents, which contributes to children's sense of well-being and belonging. Children behave well. Staff provide sensitive support for younger children who are learning to manage their own behaviour.
The experienced manager is thorough and attentive in all aspects of her role. There are rigorous procedures to evaluate the quality of the provision and plan future developments. The manager and her close staff team have made good improvements since the previous inspection.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are kind and gentle role models to children. They warmly praise children and value their ideas and achievements. Staff skilfully reinforce children's good behaviour through purposeful praise.
They distract children who may otherwise demonstrate unwanted behaviour. Staff help children to explore their emotions and learn to be tolerant of others.Staff strongly support children's speech and language development.
Children are introduced to many songs and rhymes throughout their time at the pre-school. They quickly become familiar with them and eagerly join in. Parents comment on how many songs their children know.
Children access a wide variety of books and stories, which they enjoy sharing with one another. Staff read stories in an animated and engaging fashion. They ask children questions that help them to focus their attention and recall the sequence of the story.
Parents strongly recommend the pre-school. They value staff's professional knowledge and warm, friendly nature. Staff use the detailed information parents provide about children's interests, skills and knowledge to plan precisely for their future learning.
Parents appreciate the frequent, useful information on their children's progress and good guidance to support children's learning at home.Staff help children to acquire the skills they need for their future learning, including making a successful start to school life. For example, children learn to listen well to others and follow sometimes complex instructions.
They remember different yoga movements from the previous week. Children show increasing independence and confidence in putting on waterproof overalls and boots before venturing outside to play in the rain. However, on a few occasions, staff do not challenge children strongly enough to help them achieve their full potential during their activities.
Staff use additional funding children receive well to address any gaps in their learning. For example, they support further training for staff or enrich children's experiences through engaging visitors, such as the 'pet zoo'. Staff work closely with other educational and care professionals to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Children are given many opportunities to extend their physical skills. They develop their hand control while they stir and mix their 'magic potions' with liquids of different colours and textures. Children jump high in the air when they pretend to be birds waking up the worms in the ground.
They make very good use of the large outdoor space to pedal tricycles and ride other play vehicles.The manager provides strong leadership to the staff. She is well supported by her senior staff.
Staff are given time to access training opportunities and share their learning. This helps staff to contribute effectively to children's learning in, for instance, speech and language, and mathematics. Staff work closely with other settings children attend, including the schools they move on to.
They share information well to promote consistency in children's learning experiences.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff are well trained in child protection procedures.
They know how to identify signs that children may be at risk of abuse or neglect. Staff are very clear who to report their concerns to and how to make sure these are suitably managed. There are clear procedures for handling an allegation against a member of staff.
The manager and staff are vigilant. They ensure children always play in a safe and secure environment inside and outdoors.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff's planning and interaction with children to ensure they consistently challenge all children and build on their learning highly effectively.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.