Holland Moor Extended Services - Windmill Club

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About Holland Moor Extended Services - Windmill Club

Name Holland Moor Extended Services - Windmill Club
Address Holland Moor Cp School, Cornbrook, SKELMERSDALE, Lancashire, WN8 9AG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are excited and enthusiastic to attend the club.

They eagerly seek out their friends and settle quickly into the routine. This indicates that children feel happy, safe and secure at the club. The provision is spacious and well thought-out.

Despite a large number of children present, the environment is very calm and relaxing. Children have access to a wide range of activities and resources appropriate to their age. They demonstrate high levels of engagement with both staff and other children.

Staff have high expectations for behaviour. Children help to create the club's rules and boundaries at the beginnin...g of each year. This means that they are aware of what is expected of them.

Children are self-motivated and have a positive attitude to learning. They frequently engage in play with staff and hold meaningful conversations. For example, children talk to staff about what it means to be born in a leap year.

Children are supportive and caring towards each other. They share, take turns and play cooperatively. Older children gently offer kind words of encouragement to younger children who are learning to use the scissors.

This helps children to feel confident and develops their self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager plans and implements activities that are highly complementary of what children are learning in school. Well-qualified staff are knowledgeable about their key children and have an excellent understanding of how to extend their learning during club hours.

This means that the continuity of care for children is first class. Furthermore, staff regularly share information about children with teachers and contribute to their assessments. Partnership working with the school is outstanding.

Children choose from a selection of healthy foods. They select their own snacks and use small jugs to pour their own drinks. This helps to promote children's independence skills.

Staff model good hygiene practices and talk to children about the importance of healthy foods. For example, staff and children work together to create a healthy picnic using pretend foods. Children have regular access to the outdoor area.

They explore the cars and bikes and play football with their friends. Staff recognise that giving children this opportunity to exercise is an important part of their day.Children conduct themselves well.

They work hard to regulate their behaviour and seek out staff for support if they are struggling. For instance, young children ask staff for egg timers when they identify that they need help to wait patiently.Staff make the most of opportunities for children to discuss their feelings and develop their vocabulary.

For example, staff read to children and encourage them to talk about how the book makes them feel. Additionally, children predict how they think the different characters may feel. This develops children's emotional literacy and helps to teach them the language of feelings.

Relationships between staff and children are based on mutual respect. Staff are very patient; they listen carefully and with interest when children speak. They ensure that children have lots of time to express themselves and share their views and opinions.

This helps children to feel confident and unique.Leaders and managers work hard to provide high-quality care for children. They are highly reflective and hold regular meetings with children to discuss ways they can improve the club even further.

Parents have frequent opportunities to share their views and are very happy with the level of care provided.Systems in place for coaching and mentoring staff are robust. Managers regularly observe staff performance, provide accurate feedback and identify training requirements.

Staff feel well supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a sound understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to keeping children safe.

They are alert to signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk of harm. Staff are confident with the procedures to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of a child. The management team has robust procedures in place for the safe recruitment and vetting of staff.

Also at this postcode
Holland Moor Primary School

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