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Suite K/L, Canon Newton House, Kingfisher Centre, Redditch, Worcs, B97 4HA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement The environment in the pre-school room is messy, cluttered and, at times, disorganised.
The quality of teaching across the provision is variable. The experiences and play opportunities afforded to the younger children are secure. However, in the pre-school room the activities provided for the children are limited, they lack the levels of stimulation and challenge required to help children make good progress in their development.
Children in the pre-school share warm relationships with their peers and enjoy chatting and playing together. Babies and toddlers participate in a planned and spontaneous opportunities to begin to... learn how to become independent and about their self-care. Staff working with the younger children utilise opportunities to help them to learn to share.
They explain to them how to be kind to their friends and what is expected of them, they also give them opportunities to practise this. However, supporting children in managing their behaviour is less secure in the pre-school room. Staff do not give the children the time they need to understand the difference between right and wrong or explain the consequences of their behaviour upon themselves and others.
Planned outings are thoroughly enjoyed by all ages of children. A trip to the local soft-play centre provides children with the opportunities to practise their physical skills and try out new experiences, such as balancing and climbing on a range of equipment.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has recently appointed a new manager to oversee the everyday running of the setting.
The provider is always present and is actively involved in supporting her new manager to develop the skills required. They both are actively working with their local early years advisor. The provider and the manager have implemented some changes that have helped to secure staff's knowledge and understanding of safeguarding.
That said, many of their other plans in relation to supporting the children's learning are in their infancy. This specifically impacts on the quality of the learning provided for the older children.The pre-school room requires improvement.
The environment does not welcome, stimulate or engage children in their learning. It is untidy, preventing children from accessing some areas, such as the role-play facility, and staff have to sort through play resources that children choose to remove random bits and pieces from before allowing them access. At times, this task is too onerous on staff time and activities children choose are aborted and replaced with something entirely different.
Babies and toddlers have their needs met by staff who clearly enjoy caring for them. Good levels of consideration are given to children's privacy and there are safe arrangements for sleeping in place. While children sleep, staff are in close proximity and they monitor their breathing and temperature.
Individual bedding is provided for each child.Children with special educational needs /and or disabilities share warm relationships with their key person. Children show affection towards their key person by stroking their face in acknowledgement that they are comfortable and enjoying their participation in their play.
Staff adapt routine times to meet children's individual needs. To ensure all children keep safe when eating, staff ensure that all children sit when they have food in their mouths.Mealtimes are sociable occasions.
Children sit together and talk about the food they have in their lunch packs. Staff support children to open packages and encourage them to eat all of their lunch before going off to play. Some older children choose to sit for longer periods, chatting and laughing with their friends.
The provider, her manager and the staff team relate well to parents and promote secure arrangements for the sharing of information about children's care and development. All parents who shared their views are extremely satisfied with the overall service they receive. Some parents have used the setting for their older children, who are now at school.
They comment children are well prepared in readiness for school. All parents comment on the positive relationships their children share with this very familiar and consistent staff team.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date ensure staff organise the environment in the pre-school room to support children's learning and ensure the environment is free from mess and clutter 07/08/2024 ensure that older children have access to a curriculum that relates to their next steps in their learning, that is meaningful and stimulating, helping them to make good progress in their development 07/08/2024 make sure there are suitable arrangements in place for the supervision and monitoring of staff practice, to provide coaching and support that raises the quality of teaching to enhance all children's development.07/08/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support older children more effectively to understand what is expected of them and learn the difference between right and wrong.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.