Honeyshute Preschool

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About Honeyshute Preschool

Name Honeyshute Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Austin Farm Academy, Delamere Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 5XQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Plymouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

The safety and well-being of children are compromised because the provider does not follow the correct procedures to safeguard them.

The processes in place for recognising, recording and reporting concerns are ineffective to protect children from harm.The curriculum is not challenging, and children often become bored. Leaders do not ensure that staff have the skills they need to engage children in meaningful learning experiences that help prepare them for school.

Those children who learn English as an additional language are not effectively supported by staff to communicate their needs and ideas. Children wander ...or run around the room, disturbing other children's games. They often shout, and the environment becomes noisy.

Children find it difficult to concentrate. Staff do not provide consistent messages when children hurt others or when they struggle to share resources. Children do not learn to adapt their behaviour and build positive relationships with others.

Children enjoy playing with the toys available. Outdoors, they develop their physical skills as they balance on an obstacle course, and staff guide them to manage risks. Some staff engage older children in effective small-group activities.

For example, children enjoy measuring flour and salt to make dough. However, staff interactions with children are of poor quality overall, and most children do not make the progress they are capable of, especially in their communication and language.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Management does not always act on concerns that suggest that children may be at risk of harm and does not refer them to the relevant outside agency.

They do not review or reflect on information they receive from other professionals about the children in their care. This prevents them from detecting and acting on any possible patterns of concern. In addition, staff are not supported well enough to understand their responsibility to act quickly when they have concerns about a child.

Staff do not receive the support and coaching they need to ensure they guide all children to understand expectations for good behaviour. Staff do not apply behaviour management strategies consistently and do not provide the necessary support or guidance needed to help children understand how to rectify their behaviour. Children run around, snatch toys, break other children's games and hit each other.

Children are not gaining an understanding of the impact that their behaviour has on others or how to develop positive friendships.The delivery of the curriculum is poor. Management do not support staff to develop meaningful interactions with children.

Although staff sometimes use sign language to encourage children to communicate, they do not help children to think and express their own ideas and develop their communication skills. Staff do not use supportive strategies to help children who learn English as an additional language to communicate. Children are not supported to become confident communicators.

Management does not ensure the curriculum is challenging or that the implementation is effective. They do not ensure that staff have the skills to build on what children already know and can do and what they need to learn next. Children of all ages show signs of boredom.

They wander, struggling to find things to do. Some children shout or cry. Staff do not always ensure that all children receive the emotional support they need to feel secure and settled.

Staff provide some activities they know children will enjoy. Older children enjoy moulding dough, creating Christmas-themed shapes using cutters. Children enjoy role play.

For example, they pretend to cut plastic vegetables and enjoy playing with toy dinosaurs. During these times, children show some meaningful engagement. However, this does not go far enough to ensure their continued good progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date improve safeguarding procedures to ensure that any concerns about children's welfare are recorded and shared with parents and other agencies 12/12/2024 ensure staff use consistent strategies to manage children's behaviour to help children to understand staff's expectations and the consequences of their own actions on others 30/01/2025 improve monitoring, support and coaching for staff to develop staff interactions with children to build children's language and communication skills 12/02/2025 provide individual and targeted support for children who require additional help, including those who learn English as an additional language, to meet their individual needs 30/01/2025 improve the planning and delivery of the curriculum so that staff provide targeted learning experiences that build on what children can do already and what they need to learn next.


Also at this postcode
Austin Farm Academy

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