Horley Community Pre School

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About Horley Community Pre School

Name Horley Community Pre School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Tanyard Barn Community Centre, Brookfield Drive, Horley, RH6 9TA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Leaders and staff demonstrate an unwavering commitment to providing the highest quality of care and education to the children that attend this outstanding pre-school.

They pride themselves on providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for children to thrive in. Staff plan and deliver an exciting and ambitious curriculum that provides all children with a wealth of opportunities and experiences. For example, children explore local woodlands, climbing trees and learning about how bees pollinate.

Staff expertly sequence children's learning introducing them to new information and extending this as the... term goes on.Staff actively promote children sharing their views and they value each child as a unique individual. For instance, they encourage children to vote for their favourite story and use a visual board for children to contribute to the planning.

Staff skillfully consider the planning of the environment and learning opportunities that are available to children. As a result, all children consistently show extremely high levels of engagement that is above what is expected for their age.Children's behaviour is exemplary.

Staff act as excellent role models for the children with the highest expectations for their behaviour. They ensure that the routine of the day is consistent so that children know what is going to happen next. This creates a positive atmosphere and provides children with a sense of security.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The highly skilled teaching delivered by the staff is a key strength of this pre-school. Staff ensure their teaching is clear and structured to allow children to make links between their learning. For example, during the topic of lifecycles children engage in activities such as using collage materials to make sunflowers and planting.

Children explain what seeds need to help them grow while they plant their sunflower seeds. They understand that this activity is part of a wider community competition that they are participating in.Staff ensure that children are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

They work collaboratively with local primary schools to identify the key priorities for children to be ready for the next transition. For instance, each child arrives eagerly, finds their name card and puts their book bag in their tray. This helps them to develop a sense of belonging and become familiar with the routine at school.

There are exceptionally effective arrangements to promote children's literacy. Children demonstrate excellent listening and attention skills. They sit together on the carpet listening eagerly to the staff reading the story they have chosen.

Children delight in participating in action songs and rhymes. They copy the actions and join in with the words of familiar songs. Staff provide children with a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books to choose from.

They promote a love of reading at home by providing a reading library to the children and families. This helps to further children's communication and language development.Staff and managers at the pre-school go above and beyond to work in partnership with parents and carers.

They recognise and value the importance of the family on a child's education. Staff share their expertise with the families and provide them with support when required. For instance, they invite parents in to learn about how to keep children safe online and send home information to support toilet training.

Parents describe the progress their children are making as 'amazing'.Staff plan a wealth of opportunities for children to broaden their experiences. For example, they take the bus to the local shops to buy their snack, visit nearby cafes and attend the local assisted living home.

This helps children to learn about the diverse community they live in.Leaders provide highly effective supervision to the staff team to develop their knowledge and skills. They ensure that staff receive high quality and precisely targeted professional development that is relative to the current group of children attending the setting.

For example, staff have completed training on supporting children's behaviour and are going to be completing learning on using visual communication techniques. Staff expertly support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work with families and other professionals to ensure their provision is accessible and inclusive.

Staff prioritise children's health, well-being and independence. Children benefit greatly from a range of physical activities that they thoroughly enjoy, such as throwing balls, climbing and balancing. They learn how to keep themselves healthy through frequent discussions with adults.

All children, show exceptional independence skills from a young age.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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