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Hursley Parish Hall, 50 Main Road, Hursley, Winchester, SO21 2JW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are provided with an ambitious curriculum. They are keen to have a go during all activities.
For example, they eagerly explore modelling dough and learn to use tools, such as cutters, to make shapes. There are high expectations for every child. Children are happy and settled.
They often smile and wave at their siblings in the baby area. Children enjoy being at the nursery and develop good social skills. They play together cooperatively, for instance when filling saucepans with sand and water to make 'pasta' in an outdoor play kitchen.
Children develop good pre-reading and writing skills. They often ch...oose to draw and enjoyed using ice, glitter and paint to make marks. Children listen attentively to stories and sing nursery rhymes.
They confidently choose resources and activities and try to do things for themselves. For example, they put on their shoes and coats, and learn to use serving tongs to help themselves to fresh fruit at snack time. Children enjoy taking part in activities to raise money for charities.
For instance, they came to the nursery dressed in a variety of outfits, such as their pyjamas. They learn about other cultures and religions. For example, they make cakes for Diwali and visit the local church.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Since registration, the manager has made significant changes to the nursery that have improved children's learning and development. Staff now provide a well-organised learning environment and a good range of activities. Children develop the skills they need for future learning.
Staff engage with children and skilfully build their confidence to talk and express their needs. They support children to learn and use new words. Children increase their vocabulary, including children who speak English as an additional language.
Staff help babies to learn and use sign language to communicate.The manager has a good understanding of what she wants children to learn. She works alongside the staff to evaluate and continually improve their practice.
Since registration, staff have completed training that has improved their understanding of the curriculum intent.Staff support and extend children's learning well during group activities. However, when children engage in their self-chosen play, staff do not consistently extend children's good learning and development further.
Children behave well. There is an effective key-person system in place used to support children's well-being. Staff are very positive role models for children.
They have a caring and kind approach towards the children and focus strongly on meeting their individual care needs. Babies often smile and confidently go to staff for a hug.Staff encourage children to be active, indoors, and outdoors.
They provide daily music and movement activities. These are enjoyed so much by the older children that they squeal with excitement. However, staff do not consider ways to extend and challenge younger children's good physical development further.
Staff support children's mathematical development well. For example, during a group activity, they encouraged children to count the number of blueberries they put onto pancakes. Older children enjoyed learning simple addition and working out how to use the blueberries to form numbers.
The manager focuses strongly on supporting staff well-being and their professional development. Several staff are completing childcare qualifications. Apprentices have a good knowledge and understanding of their roles and responsibilities and say they enjoy working at the nursery.
Staff work well in partnership with parents to meet children's individual needs, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They communicate with parents and other agencies to identify and reduce gaps in children's learning and development.The manager is fully committed to supporting children's good health.
Children are provided with home-made nutritious meals and snacks that take account of their individual dietary needs. Staff teach children how to look after their teeth. For example, children enjoyed using toothpaste, foam and toothbrushes to clean pictures of teeth.
Parents are happy with their children's care and learning. They report that staff communicate with them well to support children's learning at home and provide continuity of care. For example, to potty train children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good knowledge and understanding of their safeguarding roles and responsibilities. They know what to do if they are concerned about a child's welfare and safety.
All staff complete safeguarding training online that includes the 'Prevent' duty guidance. The manager regularly checks that staff understand child protection procedures. She works closely with the local authority to keep children safe.
Staff assess risks to children's safety and take action to reduce and remove them. They supervise children well at all times, particularly when they use the enclosed, secure outdoor play area.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: coach and support staff to further challenge and extend children's learning and development when engaging in self-chosen play consider ways to further extend babies' good physical development.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.