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Hutton Pre School, Willowbrook Community Hall, Rosen Crescent, Hutton, BRENTWOOD, Essex
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are greeted by happy, nurturing and welcoming staff who are genuinely pleased to see them as they arrive.
They take great care in getting to know the children and their family before they attend, including the opportunity of home visits, to ensure a seamless transition from home to pre-school. Children play in an inclusive, calm and inviting playroom and garden. The curriculum is designed around children's interests and abilities.
It is inspiring and ambitious. Good information gathered before children attend means activities are planned to build on what children already know and what they need to learn next.T...he managers and staff team recognise that happy children, who are interested in their environment, learn well.
Therefore, there is a strong emphasis on supporting children's emotional development. Children's behaviour is very good. They understand the high expectations of the staff, who are excellent role models.
They speak to the children with respect and are gentle and attentive. Staff provide children with lots of praise and encouragement and recognise their achievements. Children have formed close and trusting bonds with their key person.
Children are confident and demonstrate they feel safe and secure. They confidently speak to visitors to the setting and engage them in their play. They ask lots of questions, show curiosity and are keen, eager learners.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The quality of teaching is good. The strong management team has high expectations for all children attending. The experienced and qualified managers ensure that the education programme provides challenge and supports the pre-school ethos of planning in the moment.
The curriculum is also designed to provide teachable moments that encourage children to explore and discover for themselves, supported by staff, and it is embedded across all areas of learning.There is a strong emphasis on teaching children to learn the skills they need to be independent learners. For example, they are positively encouraged to have a voice and make choices.
All children, including those who require additional support, make good progress from their starting points.Children's concentration and play are not interrupted as they decide when they eat snack and choose where they play as they flow freely between indoors and outside. Children are supported to take care of their personal needs.
They learn to dress themselves, in preparation for playing in the garden, as they confidently put on wellington boots and jackets. They ask lots of questions and for help when needed. These opportunities prepare children for successful future learning and for the transition to school.
Opportunities are provided through all activities and daily routines to promote children's mathematical development. For example, children learn to check the daily menu and take note of how many fruits or breadsticks they may select. They count as they self-serve.
Children show sustained concentration and perseverance as they complete complex puzzles. Staff use opportunities during all activities to help children learn about number recognition, sequencing, shape and size.Children guide their own learning but are supported by skilful staff who are attentive and caring.
They know when to interact and when to allow children time to discover for themselves. For example, children enjoy colour mixing. They learn to clean the brush in water before adding more colour.
Children are encouraged to describe the colours. They make and use a wide vocabulary, such as 'warm autumnal' colours, when describing their creation.Children make good progress in their speech and language development.
For example, focused activities help children develop their listening skills. They enjoy guessing in the 'What is in the bag?' activity and make predictions of what they hear.Strong, effective partnerships have been established with parents.
They comment that they value the support, home visits and communication regarding their child. Parents express their complete confidence, appreciation and gratitude for the support their children receive.The effective management team has a clear vision for the pre-school.
There is a strong commitment to provide children with high-quality teaching and care. They understand the importance of a quality team of staff and outcomes for children. They positively encourage and support staff with their own professional development.
There is a culture of evaluating and sharing new ideas.Children enjoy some role play opportunities. However, this is not always inspiring enough to fully challenge and support children's imaginary play and captivate their interests, particularly for the most able children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide a range of challenging role play opportunities to inspire and enable all children to explore and develop their own play and ideas.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.