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S K N Business Centre, 1 Guildford Street, Birmingham, B19 2HN
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Leaders and staff have made significant improvements to the overall quality of care and education children receive. Leaders have developed a broad and varied curriculum that builds on what children know and can do.
Staff regularly complete observations and assessments of children's progress. They use this information to plan interesting activities that motivate children to engage. As a result, children show a positive attitude towards learning and are being prepared well for their next stage in education.
The good health of children is now given high priority. Staff regularly prompt children to drink water and stay hyd...rated. Fresh drinking water is available to all children throughout the day.
Staff encourage children to try new foods and encourage independence. For example, staff support children to peel different fruits and pour their own drinks. Children are confident to ask for help, and all children enjoy healthy snacks.
Hand hygiene practice is now embedded into the routines of the day. Children line up nicely to go and wash their hands before eating and after playing outside. This encourages good hygiene habits for their future.
There have been vast improvements in how staff manage children's behaviour and implement rules. This has a positive effect on how well children are being prepared for school. Staff gently encourage children to follow rules and boundaries.
Children listen and show respect for their environment. They help each other kindly to tidy up. Staff encourage children to form a train to move safely outdoors.
Consequently, children are happy, safe and enjoy their time in the nursery.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are reflective about areas needed for improvement, and they now have effective oversight of the nursery. They prioritise training and support they provide to staff.
All staff receive regular supervision, coaching and feedback from leaders. Leaders realise the need for continuous and ongoing hard work to maintain the good standard of care and education they provide. They have a clear vision and passion to continue to improve outcomes for all children.
Staff feel positive about the support, training and improvements that have been made since the last inspection. As a result, there is a happy, committed staff team that works well together.Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is now effective.
Strengthened communication between leaders, staff and key persons means that all vital information is shared on a weekly basis. Staff work closely with other professionals and parents to get the early and ongoing support children might need.All staff have completed training in behaviour management.
Staff use appropriate strategies to help children understand the impact of any unwanted behaviour. Staff get down on the children's level and fully explain how and why they should behave well. As a result, children are learning respect towards others, the environment is calm and children are safe.
Staff implement a structured routine to support children to understand what is happening next. However, sometimes this routine is not flexible enough to allow children to follow their own ideas. Staff sometimes direct children to the next task when they are still engrossed in an activity.
This disrupts their learning.Staff make good use of basic signing to support children's communication and language. Staff use visual aids to implement rules, such as good listening, good sitting and good tidying.
Staff understand they need to talk to children. They ask open-ended questions to challenge children's understanding. However, there are times staff ask lots of questions in quick succession, so it is difficult for children to hear what is asked of them.
Children do not then get the time they need to think and respond.Staff introduce numerical concepts throughout their teaching. This is woven into all activities they plan.
Staff count, introduce new shapes, such as semi-circle, and discuss direction of motion, for example, clockwise. This supports children's breadth of knowledge and broadens their understanding of numeracy.There are lots of interesting opportunities for children to be physically active.
All children enjoy daily outdoor play and fresh air. Children delight in climbing, jumping and swinging in the garden. Staff are attentive to children's safety and deploy themselves effectively to keep children safe.
Parents share positive feedback about the nursery and staff. They comment their children are happy and enjoy attending. Information is shared through daily verbal handovers and via an online application.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nencourage children to follow their own ideas and provide opportunities for them to direct their own learning even further support staff to give children enough time to think and respond to any questions.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.