JC Sports Holiday Camp at East Preston Junior School
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About JC Sports Holiday Camp at East Preston Junior School
JC Sports Holiday Camp at East Preston Junior School
East Preston Junior School, Lashmar Road, East Preston, Littlehampton, BN16 1EZ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children receive a warm and friendly greeting from welcoming staff.
They come inside, excited to see their friends. Children feel safe and secure. They confidently start conversations with staff about the activities they have been doing in the holidays.
Staff excitedly engage with children. They talk together about how people celebrate the festive period differently. For example, they discuss eating a roast dinner or going to an Indian restaurant on Christmas Day.
Children confidently communicate in groups as they consider similarities between themselves and others.Staff introduce children to a range of exciting s...ports. Children energetically join in with football, tennis, rounders and gymnastics.
Staff teach children a range of different skills that develop balance and coordination. Children are supported to gain new skills and explore how their bodies move.Children demonstrate high levels of respect for those around them.
For example, older children gladly include younger children in their games. Furthermore, children are quick to listen to instructions from staff. For example, children promptly line up, ready to go outside.
Children have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff promote children's sense of self and individual character. They engage in friendly conversations with children to get to know them well.
Staff prepare activities that follow children's interests to help keep them engaged and excited about their time at holiday club. Staff also encourage children to join in with sports that they are less familiar with. Children receive meaningful experiences that are broad and interesting.
Staff provide children with plenty of opportunities to be creative. During quieter moments of the day, children explore freely with different resources. For example, children use pencils to make drawings of toys they received at Christmas.
Others excitedly designs posters and talk about them with their friends. Children are motivated and engaged.Mealtimes are a social occasion.
Children and staff sit together and talk about the morning activities. Staff offer children a range of different fruits and vegetables. They also provide children with guidance to promote health.
For example, they talk to children about remaining seated for a short period after eating, to aid digestion. Children receive messages that enhance their understanding of a healthy lifestyle.Staff have a good understanding of how to meet children's individual needs.
For example, when children have special educational needs and/or disabilities, staff put specific support plans in place. They work in partnership with parents and other professionals to collaborate effectively. Furthermore, staff are prompt to adapt activities to suit each child's ability.
Children benefit from a well-planned, shared approach to their care.Staff provide children with clear expectations for their behaviour. Older children listen attentively and model good behaviour to those who are younger or new to holiday club.
Staff talk positively to children about why certain boundaries are in place to keep everyone safe. Children follow rules effortlessly and demonstrate exemplary behaviour.Leaders regularly monitor and review their provision.
They support staff through regular and targeted continuous professional development events. Staff report that they feel knowledgeable and well informed in their roles. They have access to online training and information to support their knowledge.
This continually raises the quality of care delivered to children.Parents speak highly of the holiday club. They explain that procedures make them confident that their children are safe.
Staff ensure they welcome each child and their parents individually. This allows any information to be easily shared. Parents also discuss how their children talk positively about their activities at the end of each day.
Parent partnerships are good.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.