JC Sports Wrap Around and Holiday Camps at St Bartholomews
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About JC Sports Wrap Around and Holiday Camps at St Bartholomews
JC Sports Wrap Around and Holiday Camps at St Bartholomews
St. Bartholomews C of E School, Derby Road, HASLEMERE, GU27 1BP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children at this setting can attend the wraparound club after school, where they can relax and have fun after a busy day at school.
For example, they can take part in sports, play board games and take part in art and craft activities. Children can also attend the holiday camp, which focuses exclusively on sports. Children are introduced, and have the opportunity to develop their skills in a variety of sports, such as dodgeball, football, fencing and archery.
Children form good relationships with staff and their peers and show that they feel happy and safe at the holiday camp. Staff are positive role models and treat childr...en with respect and kindness. They give children lots of praise and encouragement and provide clear messages about the boundaries and their expectations at the setting.
As a result, children behave well and show enthusiasm to join in and try new sports.Staff ensure that children remain active and spend a lot of time outside in the fresh air. The differing sport activities help children to develop their gross motor skills, spatial awareness and coordination.
Team games encourage children to collaborate and develop their attention and social skills.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are provided with a safe, secure and accessible environment at the camp. Staff risk assess the environment to check for any hazards and talk to the children about the importance of keeping themselves safe.
For example, before a hockey session, children remember 'no sticks above your hips'. The youngest children are assigned a key person, who liaises with parents and takes responsibility for their well-being.Leaders evaluate their provision well.
They identify what is working well and areas that they would like to develop. Staff speak positively of their roles and feel well supported by the management team. Leaders ensure that staff have access to ongoing training opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills.
Staff plan their sports sessions well. They understand the benefits of reinforcing basic skills with the children before progressing into a full game. Children show very good concentration levels and spend considerable time practising how to move their balls with their hockey sticks.
Staff are able to adapt these practise sessions, providing greater challenge for older and most-able children.Staff know the children well and interact positively with them. Some staff do not always get down to the children's level, however, and at times the language used by staff is too complex for the youngest children.
Staff do not always explain what some words mean, such as 'possession', and do not consider that the youngest children may struggle to deduct points from 15 while also playing hockey.Children have many opportunities to develop social skills and work in partnership with each other. They help each other to catch their opponents in a game of 'tag'.
During a warm-up session for gymnastics, staff call out numbers and children work hard to organise themselves into groups of the same number, without adult support.Children spend time inside and outside, joining in with high-energy physical games. This gives them the opportunity to develop their physical skills and stay healthy.
Staff encourage parents to supply healthy packed lunches and ensure children have plenty of opportunities to drink and stay hydrated.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.