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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Managers have a very strong ambition to ensure all children meet their full potential.
They work closely with parents to meet children's needs and support them to make excellent progress in their learning and development. There is a strong link between home and nursery so that children feel happy and settled. For example, the baby room displays pictures of children's families to give it a homely feel.
Children build strong friendships from a very young age and play kindly alongside each other. They quickly learn how to keep themselves and their friends safe, following clear explanations from staff. Children beha...ve exceptionally well.
They show great respect for their friends. Staff work hard to ensure that children develop positive attitudes to learning. For example, if a child says they cannot do something, a member of staff will remind them that they cannot do it 'yet', to teach children to persevere.
Staff help children to become motivated learners. Children are prepared extremely well for their next stage of learning. For example, those in the baby room start to do group activities which require sitting for a short period of time.
This is to prepare them for their move to the toddler room where they have daily circle time. Pre-school children learn skills such as self-care, holding a pencil, early phonics and writing their names.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff know the children extraordinarily well and use the individual interests of each child as the basis to support their learning and development.
They have tailored systems in place to obtain up-to-date information from parents about children's new interests. This information is used to offer resources that highly motivate children to engage in meaningful play. All children make the best possible progress in their learning.
The manager has an accurate view of what works well and areas for development. For example, following evaluation of the daily routines in pre-school, many activities, such as mindfulness and handwashing before lunch, are carried out in smaller groups. Lunchtime is exceptionally well organised and an enjoyable social experience for children.
Members of the management team have robust systems in place to identify any gaps in learning and are quick to intervene. For example, they identified that some two-year-old children were not making the desired progress in speech and language. As a result, they created an effective small-group activity called 'talking tunes', which encouraged children to use a variety words through singing, and rapidly progressed their learning.
Parents are extremely complimentary about the setting. They comment positively on the excellent communication that they have from the nursery and the special relationships they have with their children's key persons. Managers engage parents effectively in their children's care and education.
For example, they share 'achieving positive behaviour' training with parents. This contributes to the excellent behaviour that children demonstrate as they benefit from consistency in approach.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities and disadvantaged children make exceptional progress in their learning.
The management team takes swift steps to access and use all available funding effectively. For example, children with limited outdoor experiences benefit from regular forest school sessions to rapidly progress their physical development and understanding of the world.Members of the management team have an incredibly strong focus on professional development.
They ensure bespoke training is used effectively to benefit all staff and children by sharing learning and introducing new activities. For example, to support children with their small-muscle skills, a member of staff attended a 'funky fingers' training course. Since completing the training, they have set up a 'funky fingers' area where children are set challenges to progress their small-muscle skills, such as threading and pegging.
This has helped children to make excellent progress in their physical development.Managers have a strong focus on mindfulness for staff and children. The mindfulness ethos supports everyone's well-being.
For example, staff are given incentives for getting fresh air on their breaks, and children have mindfulness sessions to help settle down after active outdoor play, so that they are calm and prepared well for the next activity.Children in the pre-school are learning to resolve conflict without an adult. For example, children who disagree on how to join two parts of a toy together, try out different ways of joining the toys and reach an agreement, without adult intervention.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Members of the management team have excellent systems in place to ensure all children are safeguarded. They are fastidious in gathering all necessary information about children who may be involved with other agencies, so they can make an accurate assessment of the child's home life.
When they have concerns about a child's welfare, they closely monitor the child, keep meticulous records and stay in close contact with parents. Staff have an excellent understanding of safeguarding issues and the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child. They benefit from regular refresher training during staff meetings to ensure their knowledge remains up to date.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.