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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and enjoy spending time in the safe, calm and welcoming environment of the club.
They excitedly explore the good range of play opportunities and planned activities available, such as crafts, construction resources, making play dough and interactive video games. They settle quickly at their chosen activities. All children show high levels of motivation and engagement.
They can access quieter activities, such as reading in the book area, colouring and drawing or completing homework. Physical activity is promoted well, and children enjoy spending time in the large outside play area. They have many opport...unities to be involved in the decision-making about activities, events and new resources.
Children develop strong relationships with staff and each other. They are keen to engage in conversations with staff, who show genuine interest as they listen and respond. Children are treated with respect and staff are caring and attentive as they play and interact with them.
This helps to promote children's confidence and self-esteem. Children are familiar with the routines and the expectations at the club. They behave very well.
At snack time, children of all ages sit together and demonstrate good social skills as they enjoy the healthy snack that is provided.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The high-quality provision is led by a knowledgeable and dedicated provider. She reviews staff practice regularly and has a strong focus on providing coaching and training.
This helps to ensure that the quality of staff knowledge and skills is consistently improving to benefit children.The provider and staff team meet regularly to reflect and evaluate on the quality of the provision. They seek and consider the views of parents and children.
They plan effective improvements, such as providing more outside resources to further complement the play opportunities children experience indoors. The provider liaises with the local authority to seek further advice in evaluating the standard of the provision effectively.Staff encourage children to contribute to the planning by writing their ideas on the planning sheet.
As a result, children remain interested and absorbed as they play. For example, they show high levels of engagement as they make colourful band bracelets. Staff offer ideas and model strategies for children to be successful.
They praise children as they persevere and demonstrate their new skills.Staff plan exciting activities that support children to be creative and have fun. For example, children enthusiastically mix ingredients together to make their own play dough.
Staff encourage them to test their own ideas as they add more flour and water. They add coloured dye and peppermint to the play dough and excitedly shout out as it changes colour.Partnerships with parents are good.
Parents say that they are 'completely satisfied with the excellent care, safety and provision' and that it is a 'safe, happy and inclusive place'. The provider has established strong links with the school and communicates regularly with school staff. This helps staff to have a good understanding of the individual needs of the children who attend the club.
Children's safety is a high priority at the club. The provider completes a daily risk assessment of the inside and outside environment. This helps to keep children safe.
Staff support children to understand when they might be at risk when using the internet.Snack time is a lovely social event where children and staff sit together and engage in lively conversations. Children show good levels of independence and are well mannered.
They spread their own butter and make choices from a variety of sandwich fillings and vegetables. However, not all staff use the opportunity to support children's understanding of making healthy food choices.Children have daily opportunities to use the well-resourced outside play area.
They negotiate their way around the variety of climbing apparatus and demonstrate good physical skills. Children try to help each other by suggesting strategies and ideas. They are proud of their achievements and call for staff to look at them as they climb and balance.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff team demonstrate a secure understanding of the procedures to keep children safe from harm. They know how to report any concerns they may have about a child in their care and attend child protection training to ensure they keep their knowledge up to date.
Staff take part in regular discussions with the provider to ensure the continued effectiveness of their safeguarding knowledge. The provider implements safer recruitment procedures. Appropriate checks are carried out to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.