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About Jousters At Bowmansgreen
Jousters At Bowmansgreen
Bowmansgreen Primary School, Telford Road, London Colney, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 1PH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy coming to this well-run club. As they are collected from their school classes, children enthusiastically talk to the staff about their school day and what they did at the weekend. This demonstrates the secure relationships the children have with the staff members.
Children choose from a wide range of quality activities. They remain focused at activities for long periods of time. For example, children access the drawing table.
They spend time with their friends, colouring in pictures. Children of all ages play together and enjoy each other's company. Older children support younger children to understand rules... or learn how to play a game.
This helps to develop older children's confidence. There are opportunities for children to engage in high-energy activities, such as basketball in the garden, as well as quieter activities, such as reading and sharing books in the cosy area. This supports children's individual needs following a long school day.
Children behave well. Staff support children's behaviour effectively and remind them when necessary. Staff communicate effectively to ensure the safety of all children as they access different areas of the club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The staff team is very effective and highly motivated. The team is keen to spend time with the children and show real interest as children each talk about their individual dances in a recent show. Staff have an excellent knowledge of each child and use this successfully to create activities related to their interests.
Staff use conversations to support children's language. Snack time is a very social time and children are encouraged to join in conversations, each child taking turns to listen to another story. This helps to develop their conversational and listening skills.
Children receive a lot of praise from the staff team and feel proud of their achievements. Work is displayed on the wall to offer children a real sense of pride and belonging to the setting.A key-person system supports the younger children well.
Effective communication with parents during the settling-in period allows the setting to adapt to meet children's needs. This helps children to settle quickly. Staff are knowledgeable about each child.
They are aware of issues, such as allergy information, and children's needs are met with ease.Children enjoy opportunities to be creative. Staff follow children's lead or extend past activities even further to create new ideas.
For example, last week, children created clay monsters. Observing how well children enjoyed this activity, the staff allow children free access to clay. Children use their imaginations to create animals.
This is soon extended to create food the animals may eat. Children remain engaged and concentrate on this activity for long periods of time. When parents arrive to collect, children are proud to show off their creations.
Parents speak very highly of the setting. They praise the balance between fun and education. Parents are happy with the level of communication they receive and feel there is a good link between the school, the club and home.
Children are complimentary of the club. They enjoy attending and list a variety of activities they enjoy completing.Staff create large-group activities to support children with their social skills development following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parachute games provide children with opportunities to run around and develop their physical skills. They work together to move around the parachute as they play 'fruit salad'. All children enjoy joining in with this game, regardless of their age.
The manager effectively supports the staff team. There are a lot of opportunities for staff to attend training sessions to build on their knowledge. The manager completes effective supervision with all staff and offers support for their mental well-being.
Staff feel supported by the manager and the provider.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse.
They understand their responsibility for safeguarding and how to deal with allegations against a member of staff. Staff are aware of the reporting lines for allegations between children. All staff complete regular training and this ensures children are kept safe.
Staff are aware of the wider issues in society, such as 'Prevent' duty and county lines. Staff understand internet safety and take effective action to protect children. The manager ensures the ongoing suitability of the staff team.