Judy Clark Childcare

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About Judy Clark Childcare

Name Judy Clark Childcare
Ofsted Inspections
Address West Marsh Children’s Centre, Macaulay Street, Grimsby, N E Lincolnshire, DN31 2ES
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthEastLincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and settled in this welcoming nursery.

They show confidence as they leave their parents with ease to begin their day. Staff demonstrate an excellent understanding of children's individual needs. They provide individualised experiences that help to regulate children's emotions and promote their well-being.

Children are highly motivated learners. Staff act as positive role models for children to learn from. They consistently teach children about the impact of their behaviour and have high expectations of them.

All children are keen to help others. They understand the rules and routines and ins...tinctively follow them. This helps children to feel safe and develop a sense of belonging.

Children of all ages demonstrate good communication and language skills. Staff support this area of learning well. They regularly share stories and sing songs with children.

Throughout activities, staff provide a dialogue and show an interest in what children say. Younger children repeat familiar words and phrases from the story of 'Stick Man' and continue this learning in other activities linked to their story. Older children talk with confidence and are keen to talk about their previous experiences.

The enthusiastic leaders and staff have high expectations for every child, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They have developed a curriculum based on children's interests and what they need to learn next.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff complete regular assessments on children's learning and development.

This enables them to identify any emerging gaps and provide targeted support when needed. Children make good progress from their starting points in development. They demonstrate the skills they need for the future.

For instance, children complete tasks independently and are keen to explore, investigate and find out new things.Leaders have a clear understanding of what they want children to learn at each age and stage of development. The curriculum is well sequenced to encourage children of all ages to build on their skills.

For example, younger children learn observation skills as they identify the missing item. Older children draw patterns in rice, developing their early writing skills. Children are confident and develop at a good pace.

They benefit from staff extending their learning.Leaders are committed to providing good-quality care and education for all children, including children with SEND. They engage effectively with other professionals involved in children's care.

Staff provide a consistent approach to children's learning and development by using individual targeted support that celebrates the progress all children make in their learning.Staff embed mathematics into children's everyday experiences effectively. They encourage children to use mathematical language freely in their play, such as counting the number of sticks to make a stick man or comparing the length of the play dough they are rolling.

This helps children to use mathematical language and concepts in their own play.Children enjoy regular opportunities to be physical in their play. They show confidence in the garden and play together well.

Children initiate games, including crawling through tunnels and digging in the sand. They enjoy splashing in the water as staff follow their interests. Children develop the skills required for writing, such as when they develop their coordination as they thread tiny rings onto wire.

Overall, staff teach children about what makes them healthy. They encourage children to independently wash their hands before eating and after personal care routines. However, the curriculum for personal, social and emotional development does not consistently teach children the social skills of using utensils such as plates or bowls at snack times.

This reduces opportunities for children to learn and understand the social skills required as they grow and develop.Partnerships with parents are good. Staff build good relationships with parents and communicate effectively with them, such as what their children need to learn next and how they can support this at home.

Parents speak highly about the nursery and how happy their children are.Leaders and staff have made positive improvements since their last inspection. Leaders have provided ongoing coaching and mentoring for staff to support their well-being.

They have offered opportunities for staff to enhance and develop their skills and knowledge, to further strengthen their practice and help to raise their practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure staff implement the curriculum for personal, social and emotional development to ensure children learn the social skills of using utensils such as plates and bowls when eating.

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