Junior Adventures Group @ Avanti Court IG6

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Avanti Court IG6

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Avanti Court IG6
Address Avanti Court Primary School, Carlton Drive, Ilford, IG6 1LZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff provide a safe and welcoming space for children to play. They listen to their views and are attentive to their needs. This helps children to feel happy and secure at the club.

They develop friendly relationships with staff and other children and are confident to make choices about what they want to do. Staff are encouraging and motivate children to 'have a go' at the activities. For example, during a game of 'kangaroo tag', staff join in with equal enthusiasm.

They demonstrate how to play fairly and ensure that everyone can take part if they wish. Children smile and giggle, showing that they are having lots of fun. S...taff have high expectations for all children and ensure that they understand the club rules.

For instance, staff lead discussions about the 'three R's', which promote respect for the resources and other people. Children explain that this means treating others how they would wish to be treated. They willingly help with tasks, such as tidying away the toys and clearing their plates after snack.

This demonstrates that children have a clear understanding of the expectations for behaviour. Staff support children to understand and explore their differences and similarities to others. This includes interesting activities, to celebrate special events in Britain and the wider world.

Children show a positive appreciation of different cultures and traditions. For instance, they enjoyed tasting various cheeses on National Cheese Day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have supported club staff to address weaknesses identified at the last inspection.

They have improved staff training, such as by introducing quizzes, to ensure that staff retain key information to fulfil their roles and responsibilities. They have also strengthened systems to gather information about children before they join the club. This helps staff to cater more effectively for children's individual needs, particularly where they have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Staff provide a good selection of games and activities. They ensure that children can contribute their own suggestions, such as through weekly planning discussions. Therefore, the activities keep children engaged and interested in learning.

For example, children focus for long periods as they build with construction sets. They explore how shapes fit together, creating enclosures for the toy animals. Children proudly explain that they have made a 'zoo' and enjoy sharing what they know about animals.

There is good support for children who have SEND. Staff develop effective partnerships with parents and with staff from the host school. This enables them to implement shared strategies, so that children enjoy their time at the club and benefit from the activities provided.

For instance, staff have introduced a pictorial timetable, to help children understand the routines and feel secure about what will happen next.Children practise and build on what they learn at school. For instance, children refine their hand-to-eye coordination as they throw ping-pong balls into numbered cups.

They develop their mathematical abilities as they add and compare their scores. Older children enjoy sharing their knowledge as they help their younger peers to write down numbers on a scoreboard.The club routines are well planned to support children's physical health and well-being.

Staff ensure that children have daily outdoor play and opportunities to rest and rehydrate. Snack times are relaxed and sociable. Children are offered a range of healthy choices, such as wraps with cheese and cucumber.

They enjoy exploring new tastes and talking to staff about their favourite fruit and vegetables. Staff explain that this encourages children to eat a wider range of healthy foods.Parents give positive feedback about the club.

They find staff friendly and approachable, and appreciate the regular information about the activities and experiences their children have enjoyed. Children are also happy to share their views. They love coming to the club and have fun playing with their friends.

Children comment that staff are kind to them, and they particularly enjoy the 'yummy' food.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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Avanti Court Primary School

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