Junior Adventures Group @ Fairfields RG21

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Fairfields RG21

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Fairfields RG21
Address Fairfields Primary School, Council Road, Basingstoke, RG21 3DH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a welcoming environment for children after their busy day at school. They have built suitable bonds with the children, who are greeted warmly on arrival. Children settle quickly and show they know the routine well.

They enjoy the range of activities on offer, which includes planned daily arts and crafts and opportunities for outdoor games.Staff provide opportunities for children to collaborate in their play. For example, younger and older children persevere on a joint construction project that results in an exciting habitat for the dinosaurs.

Children equally enjoy the company of staff. They sit together and c...reate friendship bracelets or paint glittery seasonal ornaments, while sharing their news. Staff consult with children over the activities on offer to ensure these continually meet their interests.

Overall, staff manage children's behaviour well. They intervene in minor disagreements with sensitivity, providing good opportunities for children to talk though their feelings in order to resolve the matter. Children behave well and build meaningful relationships.

They take turns with resources and enjoy the company of their friends. Children state they that enjoy attending the club and like the range of activities on offer. They enjoy a range of generally healthy snacks and have some opportunities to develop their independence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has faced some challenges with staffing that has affected the quality of the provision and the service provided for families. However, this has not adversely impacted on children's safety, which is, overall, supported well. The provider ensures a suitable level of oversight.

The regional support team is tasked with undertaking regular quality checks to identify and act on improvements needed, as required. New ways of working are becoming embedded steadily. However, the success with which these are monitored requires further attention.

Children enjoy plenty of fresh air and exercise outdoors. There is a suitable regard to supporting children to stay safe and healthy outside, through reminders to wear high-visibility jackets and access to drinking water as children become thirsty as they play. Staff oversee energetic racing games with occasional reminders to observe the group rules.

Inside, children benefit from well-organised games in the school hall. Children show great motivation as they strive to win the game. They are spurred on by the cheers of their friends, who shout out encouragement and celebrate as they win.

Daily safety checks ensure suitable attention to minimising risks. This includes good attention to handover of children on arrival and secure access to the rooms used by the club. Staff establish expectations around safety that include children alerting them when they need to leave the room, for example, to fetch a coat or drinks bottle.

Children are supervised well at these times. However, staff do not consistently support children to handle craft equipment with care or re-enforce reminders to remain seated while they are eating. While this does not impact significantly on children's safety, overall children do not benefit from clear instruction so they can follow the group rules well.

The provider monitors staff performance across the staff and regional teams with varying levels of success. Staff report that they are well supported and have access to training and receive feedback on their work. Staff's knowledge of safeguarding at all levels is secure.

They act on any concerns and maintain robust records that support a good exchange of information with other professionals. Staff show attention to meeting children's dietary needs.Partnerships with parents and the host school are developing.

There is a suitable exchange of information to meet children's care and health needs, as required. The provider addresses any concerns raised to a satisfactory level. However, the action taken does not always resolve matters to ensure a consistently good service for all families.

The provider ensures the views of parents, children and the host school inform their plans for ongoing improvements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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