Junior Adventures Group @ Grasmere N16

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Grasmere N16

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Grasmere N16
Address Grasmere Primary School, 92 Albion Road, London, Middlesex, N16 9PD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this welcoming club. They arrive with a positive attitude, ready to start their afternoon. They develop secure relationships and are well cared for by the cheerful and motivating staff.

Children happily approach staff for help or guidance. This shows that children feel safe and secure.Children of various ages play happily together.

For instance, they sit together outside to complete Word Searches. Younger children enjoy interacting with older children. The older children act as positive role models.

For example, without prompting, they help the younger children to find tricky words on ...the Word Search.Children have many opportunities to develop their physical development at the club. For example, older children throw hoops onto cones and persevere until they manage it.

Staff challenge them further by moving the cones further away and cheer children on as they attempt this.Children's behaviour is good. They listen to staff, and are confident to share their ideas for activities and games.

Children are encouraged to be independent, and they know the routines of the club. They are confident to select their own activities and resources.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are good role models.

The well-organised programme of activities means that sessions run smoothly, and staff are clear about their roles and responsibilities. Staff work well as a team and support each other. Staff are extremely well supported by the management team.

They have regular supervision meetings, where they can discuss their successes and areas for development. They feel valued and involved.Children clearly show that they feel confident, safe and happy at the club.

They are busy and sociable. Throughout the session, children are lively, chatting and laughing with their friends and staff.Children have plenty of opportunities to be active and get fresh air.

They have access to a spacious outdoor area, where they can run around and join in with a range of games and activities. For example, after completing their Word Searches, children run around the playground and practise their ball skills with staff.Parents are happy with the service provided at the club.

They say that their children enjoy attending and have access to a wide range of activities. Parents are complimentary about staff, who they describe as being kind, friendly and approachable. They comment that their children are always keen to attend the club and that they feel the setting is safe and secure.

Children demonstrate high levels of engagement and focus. As soon as they arrive at the club, they choose an activity. Older children laugh as they play a twisting game with staff.

Younger children enjoy making 'spaghetti' out of the play dough. Staff join in with all the activities, engaging in meaningful conversations. For example, staff and children enthusiastically share their summer holiday plans and the different countries they will be visiting.

Staff plan a range of interesting activities. They take on board children's suggestions and interests. For example, a chess set has been arranged after children showed so much enjoyment at a chess club.

Staff spend time getting to know the children. This means that children arrive at the setting excited and eager. Staff and children have genuinely good relationships and this contributes to the relaxed and calm atmosphere.

Staff work in very close and positive partnership with the school. This results in children benefiting from a consistent approach. Effective communication, and thorough sharing of information between teachers and the club's staff means that staff understand children's needs and interests, and that parents are kept well informed about what children have been doing at school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff know their responsibilities for keeping children safe and promoting their welfare. They know about the signs and symptoms of abuse and understand the club's procedures for reporting and recording any concerns.

Children are safe because staff are vigilant in their supervision and they work alongside the school to complete thorough risk assessments. For example, the premises are secure and checks are made on resources and equipment for safety. The company has robust procedures for the recruitment of staff to makes sure that they are suitable to work with children and to check that existing staff remain suitable.

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