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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily at the club after school and are welcomed by the staff. Staff create an interesting environment for the children with a good range of activities to enjoy.
Children can freely choose what they want to do from the activities that are set out for them. For example, children enjoy building a marble run with their friends or exploring art activities. Children have plenty of opportunities to develop their physical skills.
They enjoy team games in the outdoor space. Staff support the children well as they practise new skills and negotiate the space around them.Staff are enthusiastic and join in with childr...en's play and activities.
They spend time getting to know the children. New children settle very well and are supported by their key worker, this helps build the children's confidence and supports their emotional well-being.Staff supervise the children well and provide appropriate support when needed.
They are positive role models and have high expectations for children's behaviour. Overall, children behave well. they have high levels of self-esteem, are self-assured and have respect for others.
Children are keen to play and join in with games. They listen well to instruction, take turns and are patient and considerate to others.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff provide a varied range of activities and resources for children.
Children are happy and engaged, and enjoy time with their friends. They play well together, taking turns and sharing equipment.The management and staff support children's well-being effectively.
They build warm and caring relationships with the children. Children are relaxed in the happy and comfortable environment that staff provide. Staff recognise children are hungry after school, and prepare a healthy snack for them on arrival.
Children help to care for the environment, such as clearing their plates away and tidying up before going outside.The setting supports children to develop independence in preparation for their future. Children take care of their belongings.
They leave their bags and drink bottle in the designated space. Staff help them to recall the club rules and how to keep safe outside.Children eagerly join in with games of their choice, and play cooperatively together.
They enjoy competing against each other and excitedly work in teams during planned activities outdoors. Children have plenty of opportunity to practise their physical skills and to take risks in their play.Staff work well together.
They comment on how they feel supported by leaders and managers. Staff have regular supervision meetings, which enable them to consider their professional development and personal well-being. Leaders support staff to attend relevant training in areas that interest them.
Managers work closely with parents and the school to share consistency of practice. They gather information about the children's interests and individual needs when new children join. Younger children are assigned a key worker.
This helps children to feel settled and secure. Parents say that the staff are always friendly and tell them how their child has behaved and participated in the club's activities.Children enjoy creative experiences, such as paper craft.
Drawing is very popular and children thoroughly enjoy working creatively in the art area, using the wide range of materials and resources available to them. Staff listen as the children discuss their intentions.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good knowledge of the signs, symptoms and indicators that would raise concerns about a child in their care. They know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns. All staff attend mandatory safeguarding training and keep up to date with changes in legislation and policy.
All staff have completed paediatric first-aid training. Daily risk assessments are carried out to ensure all areas of the club are safe and secure. Staff are well deployed, indoors and outside, to ensure good levels of supervision and support for all children.