Junior Adventures Group @ Salusbury NW6

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Salusbury NW6

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Salusbury NW6
Address Salusbury Primary School, Salusbury Road, LONDON, NW6 6RG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Brent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy to attend the club. They say that it is 'amazing' and that they 'made a lot of friends here'.

Children demonstrate a clear sense of belonging. They have good bonds with the members of staff and form positive relationships with them. Children are curious and engaged.

They chat with visitors and ask questions. Children make choices about how they spend their time. For example, they vote on which game to play next.

This also supports their awareness of democracy and helps them to learn to accept the outcome of the vote, even if it is different to what they wanted.Staff have high behaviour expectati...ons of all children and are positive role models. Children behave extremely well.

They play cooperatively, share and take turns without prompting. They carry out routine tasks for themselves, showing self-esteem and independence.Children have plenty of opportunities for being active and enjoy fresh air, which contributes to their physical development.

They test what they can do and show confidence while practising their balancing skills and climbing apparatus in the outdoor area.The club is inclusive. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive extra support, and the activities are adapted so that they can take part and fully enjoy their time at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff get to know children well and are affectionate and kind. They show respect and listen with interest to children as they talk excitedly about their school day and the upcoming 'International Evening'. This helps children to feel valued.

Children enjoy healthy snacks and are encouraged to follow good hygiene routines. They wash their hands regularly and are reminded to drink water frequently. This supports their healthy habits.

Snack time is sociable. Children are eager to talk to each other and compare what sides and fillings they have chosen for their sandwiches.Staff gather information from teachers at the host school about what children are learning, their development and interests.

They keep parents informed about their children's day at the club and pass on relevant information from the school. This supports continuity of care.Parents appreciate the good communication and the 'brilliant' service provided.

They say that their children settled quickly and that they are very happy to attend the club thanks to the caring staff. The club responds to parents' and children's feedback and uses it to make changes in the provision.Children have access to an inviting and spacious outdoor playground.

They laugh and giggle as they participate in energetic play. Children thoroughly enjoy running as 'pencils' and experimenting different ways of movement after a busy day at school. They develop their strength and coordination and demonstrate very good physical skills.

Children's behaviour is excellent. They benefit from staff's gentle guidance and follow the club routines well. Children show respect to others and display good manners as they say please and thank you at appropriate times.

They kindly remind one another of how to count steps correctly while playing 'What's the time, Mr Wolf?' Children show imagination in their play. They say that they are butterflies while they are moving their arms up and down during a group game.Leaders are highly proactive and reflective of practice.

They are passionate about the care and service that they provide. Staff have supervision meetings and receive professional development opportunities to further improve their skills and knowledge. They comment that they feel supported in their roles and that leaders are 'fantastic'.

This contributes to a very low turnover of staff.Staff deploy themselves well and remind children of safety rules while playing, this helps to keep them safe. Children readily follow instructions.

For instance, staff remind children to spin gently when they are close to each other and children quickly respond.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Sylvia’s Happy Childcare Rainbow Montessori School: Queens Park Salusbury Primary School

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