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About Junior Adventures Group @ Twickenham Academy TW2
Junior Adventures Group @ Twickenham Academy TW2
2-4 The Green, Twickenham, TW2 6QF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff greet children enthusiastically. Children eagerly enter the club and excitedly tell staff about their day at school. Staff develop familiar routines to help children feel comfortable and secure.
Staff are approachable, so younger children are confident to ask for help to, for example, put their bags away. Staff create a happy and relaxed atmosphere. Children say that they love coming to the club.
Staff are committed to providing high-quality care and experiences for children, who are eager to join in with the activities on offer. They promote children's independence. For instance, children capably wash their own hand...s, collect their meals and tidy away after snack.
Staff are good role models and encourage children to use their manners throughout the session. Children are very polite and well behaved.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are very passionate about the service they provide.
They are very knowledgeable and reflective. Leaders include staff, parents and children in their evaluations, which contributes to high-quality provision.Staff engage children in lively conversations during the social mealtimes, helping children to feel happy, safe and secure.
They supervise closely while children are eating, to ensure their safety.Staff make excellent use of the facilities to support children's well-being and encourage them to be active and develop their physical skills. They introduce resources, such as parachutes and climbing equipment, and engage children in enjoyable team games.
Children are enthusiastic and laugh while they learn to cooperate and become more confident to try new things.Managers use supervision meetings to effectively identify relevant training opportunities that help staff to improve their practice and keep their knowledge up to date. New staff complete a rigorous induction programme to ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities.
Staff form strong partnerships with parents. Parents speak highly of staff and comment that their children love attending the club. They describe staff as 'attentive' and compliment the good levels of communication.
Staff respond extremely well and follow their procedures when children have minor accidents. They show care and empathy for children who may be upset.Staff have a good relationship with the host school.
They share relevant information to ensure that they know children's interests and individual needs.Staff celebrate children's achievements, so children feel proud of what they have created. During craft activities, they concentrate on sticking a range of fabrics.
Children are encouraged to share the materials and cooperate with each other when swapping resources.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.