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About Just for Kids at Minster
Just for Kids at Minster
Beverley Minister Primary School, St Giles Croft, BEVERLEY, North Humberside, HU17 8LA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy attending this welcoming and inclusive club. They enter excitedly and quickly become engaged in the wide range of activities.
There are plenty of exciting resources that are appropriate for the different ages of children who attend, linked to their individual interests. All children are involved with the decision-making about the activities and experiences that are provided. Children feel valued and develop a sense of ownership of their club.
Children have a wonderful time making their own soft toy, they choose from a variety of fillings and create their own shapes. Staff skilfully extend children...'s play as they encourage children to consider how they will join their pieces together. Children are extremely kind to each other.
They welcome friends to join their activity of creating bracelets and rings and offer help to younger children. Children learn about the wider world through interesting and sometimes messy activities. For example, children learn about fossils and where they are found.
Children create their own fossils using dinosaur models and clay. Children are aware of their own safety as they highlight any potential risks when using the clay and tools. This keeps children safe.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children always behave impeccably. They treat each other, the staff and the environment with great respect. For example, they consistently use good manners, know not to speak when they have food in their mouths and consistently tidy away what they have finished playing with.
Children's physical health is extremely well supported. Children have many opportunities to be active, including football in the playground or ball games. Children can relax and unwind with a wide range of books or quiet activities.
This ensures children's physical and mental health are supported.Staff support children to understand the importance of healthy lifestyles. Children all wash their hands after personal care routines and before eating.
Staff provide a varied range of healthy foods and are aware of any dietary restrictions. Mealtimes are a social occasion, where staff sit with children and engage in meaningful discussions.There is a positive partnership with the host school, including the headteacher and children's teachers.
Highly effective arrangements ensure a two-way flow of information, which means that staff complement the knowledge children gain from school. Staff have a superb understanding of the needs of individual children and provide opportunities for them to complete homework or read with staff at the club.The staff team are highly reflective and have a clear vision for the club.
They regularly consult with children and families to influence the improvements that they make. The manager conducts regular supervision meetings with staff. She supports them to continue to build on their knowledge and skills.
Excellent routines for the collection and drop off of children at the school are in place with clear communication between the school and setting.Children confidently explain what they enjoy taking part in at the setting. They explain where ideas for activities have come from and how together with staff they develop them further.
For example, the underwater display where children have added photographs of themselves onto sea creatures, creating a fun display using a variety of skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.