KG Doodles @ West Thornton Primary School (Rosecourt)
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About KG Doodles @ West Thornton Primary School (Rosecourt)
KG Doodles @ West Thornton Primary School (Rosecourt)
West Thornton Primary Academy, Rosecourt Road, Croydon, CR0 3BS
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff are welcoming and friendly. They provide a warm and supportive environment for all children.
At the end of the busy school day, staff collect all children and escort them safely to the out-of-school club, which is located on the school site. When children arrive, they eagerly seek out and find their friends and settle quickly. Staff plan many opportunities that children enjoy.
For example, during cultural festivals and celebrations, staff help children to write their name in Mandarin when exploring Lunar New Year. Overall, children enthusiastically participate in the activities provided.Key staff are assigned to supp...ort the youngest children.
This helps to consistently promote the youngest children's emotional well-being and safety, and to meet requirements. Staff build very positive relationships with all children. Staff get to know children when they first start.
For example, they find out about children's favourite activities and any additional support required. They use this information to particularly support children in the early years age range and with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff are extremely positive role models.
They are calm and very respectful in their approach. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. As a result, all children consistently show very positive behaviour.
Staff frequently praise children for their achievements, to help to promote their self-esteem. All children demonstrate that they feel safe and emotionally secure. They are confident, develop social skills and thoroughly enjoy their time at this out-of-school club.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders plan a wide range of activities for all children to enjoy. For example, children keenly play board games and build with construction pieces. They concentrate as they colour intricate and detailed pictures with coloured pencils.
Children are engaged, excited and have lots of fun. However, very occasionally, staff do not always encourage some children to fully engage in the activities provided.Staff keenly join children in their play.
Their interactions are very positive. Children excitedly dress up in glittery hats and different-coloured wigs. They giggle and laugh as staff join in and say 'I am a rock star'.
Leaders consistently boost children's self-esteem and confidence. For instance, staff motivate children to write a list of New Year's resolutions. Children enthusiastically say that they want to 'help more' and 'become better readers'.
Staff are very enthusiastic in their praise. For example, they say 'well done' and 'I know you can do that' to children.Leaders provide nutritional, healthy and light meals every day.
For example, all children thoroughly enjoy baked potatoes with a choice of toppings, such as grated cheese, tuna or beans. Mealtimes are a social time. Staff engage in conversation with children while they sit with their friends.
Furthermore, they promote good hygiene practices. For example, staff encourage all children to wash their hands before mealtimes.Leaders have very good oversight of the organisation and safe running of the out-of-school club.
They frequently monitor the quality of practice and the organisation of the environment. Leaders consistently provide quality and inclusive care and enjoyable experiences for all children.Leaders provide regular supervision meetings to seek and value the views of staff.
This helps to promote a positive culture and a consistent approach. Leaders work very successfully in partnership with staff at the school that children also attend. Leaders and staff promote all children's care, safety and well-being very well.
Parents and carers say that they are extremely happy with the care provided. They confirm that their children are very happy and enjoy the activities. Positive engagement with parents helps to promote a consistent approach.
Leaders failed to inform Ofsted that there was a change to the business address. This is a breach of the requirements. However, there is no impact on children's safety or the running of the out-of-school club.
Leaders immediately made the necessary notifications to Ofsted.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.