KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at The Heights Primary, Caversham

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About KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at The Heights Primary, Caversham

Name KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at The Heights Primary, Caversham
Address The Heights Primary School, 129 Upper Woodcote Road, Caversham, Reading, RG4 7LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Reading
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff have made secure improvements to their practice since the last inspection.

Staff now demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of their responsibilities to protect children. Staff are confident in their roles.Children arrive happy and content at their holiday club.

Staff welcome children warmly and show an interest in their well-being. Children have a clear understanding of staff expectations. For example, children take responsibility for their belongings on arrival and quickly settle down to play with the good quality resources and toys provided for them.

Children play contentedly when they settle with... their chosen play. This includes construction, drawing, dressing up and imaginative play, racing cars or board games. Staff proactively interact with children, for example, by reading them stories.

Children listen attentively and are keen and confident to offer suggestions about what is happening and to give a context for the story.Staff help ensure a good mix of activities, indoors and outdoors. Children are grouped according to age for targeted activities, but enjoy spending time with the older children and/or their siblings and friends.

All children are very well behaved. They are keen to join in and willing to try new things. Children demonstrate how they feel safe.

They thoroughly enjoy group activities with staff, such as a questions and answers game.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership and management are effective. There are robust systems in place for recruitment and support for the ongoing suitability of staff.

The senior team find new ways to embed staff practice and learning. For instance, all staff take part in regular quizzes to test out safeguarding knowledge and embed staff awareness of their responsibilities.Parents are positive about the care children receive.

They state that staff are great and the club has a 'family' atmosphere. They add that staff offer lots of different activities and that children enjoy attending. Partnerships with school are well established.

Children have a positive attitude to their own safety and that of others. For example, they listen and join in actively in the group session, where they recap rules, values and fire safety. Children are keen and enthusiastic to explain that they need to 'be nice' and 'always listen'.

They demonstrate that they understand this and the other rules throughout the day. For example, they line up without fuss, during transitions between activities or while waiting to use the toilets and wash their hands.Staff help children understand the benefits of healthy lifestyles.

Children know the importance of taking their water bottle outside when taking part in activities. They enjoy physical play and all enjoy participating. Staff help to ensure that children rest and relax during the day.

Snack times and lunches offer ample opportunities for children to socialise with others.Children thoroughly enjoy their planned activities, which are set around a weekly theme. For example, staff confidently adapt games to incorporate the theme of 'People who help'.

For example, children use cardboard to design and create an imitation framework for their 'go-karts'. They take turns to decide whether to be in a police car or fire engine to race around the track while go-karting. Children are incredibly patient to wait their turn and show respect for each other as they cheer on and encourage their friends to win the individual races.

Staff encourage children's creative skills. Children thoroughly enjoy these activities and are enthusiastic during the first part of the session, entitled 'Helping hand'. They paint their handprints onto paper and later design their chosen person who 'helps' from the hand print.

Children show a flair for creativity and are keen to show their friends and staff who they have painted. However, due to the large number of children in the session, time spent on the activity takes longer than planned. The second part of the session is subsequently rushed, which disappoints some participating.

Nevertheless, their positive attitudes shine through and children leave the session happy.Staff help children to develop their social skills and appreciate their individuality. For instance, children act out stories about the people they think help them.

As a small group, they decide what the profession may be and how old the person is who is doing that role. They make decisions together to extend the story about where an incident may happen and what help was given. Children show confidence and enthusiasm to be creative in their storylines.

They decide for instance that a fire breaks out at school and they all need rescuing and that the firefighter is '50 years old'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Training across all aspects of safeguarding matters is thorough.

Staff demonstrate a good awareness of how to safeguard the children they care for. They understand the procedure to take if they have a concern about a child or if a child makes a disclosure to them. Staff know what to do if an allegation is made about their practice.

Staff provide information about online safety. There are strict policies in regard to the use of phone and electronic devices. Coaches and senior staff all carry walkie-talkie devices and first-aid kits to ensure they can act promptly if needed.

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The Heights Primary School

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