KellyCare Childcare Services Before and After School Club
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About KellyCare Childcare Services Before and After School Club
KellyCare Childcare Services Before and After School Club
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enter the setting from the link school and are greeted by a warm and friendly staff team.
Staff ask children about their school day. They listen attentively as children eagerly recall events that have happened that day. Children understand daily routines.
They hang up their coats and bags upon arrival and put their water bottles on the trolley. Staff commend their efforts and once they have finished, they sit down in a circle ready for the register to be taken. The indoor and outdoor environments are inviting, and children lead their play.
Staff provide activities which are fun and cover all areas of lear...ning and individual interests. Resources are regularly rotated and reflect many themes throughout the year. Children play together and make a full Christmas dinner out of play dough.
They giggle with delight as they make 'blue' Brussels sprouts. Children are motivated learners, encouraged by being part of a team. Children earn points through the week for kind behaviours and actions.
The winning team get to choose an activity of their choice for the following week.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider explains how she ensures the inside and outside environments are safe, through daily risk assessments and safety checks of the premises. The provider further explains how she considers individual health care needs, such as dietary or religious needs in her daily safety assessments.
Children with complex medical needs have care plans in place. These are meticulously followed and regularly reviewed with parents. This ensures the personal needs of children are continuously met.
Staff promote children's emotional and physical well-being. They provide fresh fruit snacks and well-balanced healthy meals. Children describe these as 'delicious'.
Children develop independence and make healthy food choices when making their preferred cereal and buttering their own toast at breakfast. Staff explain how children can use the link school's field and playground. Children enjoy the artificial grass pitch where they can play football matches and other sports.
The provider explains that in good weather, children like to perform shows, such as 'KellyCare has talent' on a stage in the garden.Children feel safe and build secure relationships with staff and their peers. Staff encourage positive attachments by being consistently responsive to children's needs.
For example, younger children have a member of staff with them at mealtimes to ensure their personal needs are met and to give reassurance if needed. Staff know the individual children well with an effective key-person system. Children who relish leadership responsibilities are given jobs to do, such as play leader.
Younger children, and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, take pride in monitoring resources and being line leaders. As a result, all children are included and develop a sense of self-worth and build confidence and self-esteem.Staff demonstrate how they manage children's behaviour in a positive way.
They talk calmly to children and in an age-appropriate manner. If a child is struggling to share, staff give children time to try and solve their own conflicts. If they need a little support, staff model kind behaviours and teaching strategies to help them find a resolution together.
Children are polite and well mannered. Older children are mindful of their younger peers and frequently invite them into their play. Children ask to get down from the table and say 'please' and 'thank you' consistently.
Staff give meaningful praise to promote positive behaviours and attitudes.Parents report that their children have made significant progress in their speech and language development since attending the club. They also report on how flexible staff are to accommodating their needs, such as enabling children to attend the club after their extra-curricular activities at the link school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Safeguarding is given unquestionable priority. All staff have paediatric first aid and attend regular safeguarding training.
Additionally, staff can identify a child who may be at risk of neglect and/or abuse and know how to report this effectively. Staff have extensive knowledge of wider safeguarding issues, such as grooming and exploitation. The provider knows how to manage an allegation against her or a member of staff.