Kickstart Childcare (Mesne Lea)

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About Kickstart Childcare (Mesne Lea)

Name Kickstart Childcare (Mesne Lea)
Address Mesne Lea Cp School, Walkden Road, Worsley, MANCHESTER, M28 7FG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff place children and families at the heart of everything they do. All children, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), thrive at this club. Staff create a nurturing environment for children to explore which supports their interests.

Children settle quickly. They demonstrate that they feel happy and safe. Staff know the children very well.

They work exceptionally well with the host school and parents to gather important information about children when they first join. This information is used effectively to ensure that children's individual needs are met in the club. Staff are exce...ptional role models and have high expectations of children's behaviour.

They support children to understand the rules and boundaries of the club. For example, staff remind children of walking inside the club, so they do not fall and hurt themselves. Children are respectful, kind and supportive.

They play cooperatively with each other. Overall, children's behaviour is excellent. Staff have a 'star of the week' reward system to promote positive behaviour.

They offer an abundance of praise to children as they achieve new goals in the club. This helps to boost children's self-esteem and develop a 'can-do' attitude. Children benefit from opportunities to promote their physical development.

They run and move confidently in different ways. Staff encourage children to take turns in outdoor games. Children practise throwing beanbags into hoops and kicking the ball to each other.

These opportunities help to develop children's core strength and large-muscle movements.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are passionate about supporting children with SEND. They ensure the club is inclusive to all.

Staff prioritise working together with the host school and parents to ensure that children receive the correct support. This enables staff to put strategies in place to support children and maintain continuity in meeting children's needs. Children with SEND are supported well in the club.

Staff encourage children to develop a love for books and rhymes. Children enjoy a relaxed space to share stories with staff. Staff read and sing with enthusiasm, which captures children's attention.

Children join in with the actions and words as they sing their favourite Christmas rhymes. This supports children's early literacy skills and broadens their vocabulary.Staff promote making healthy choices.

They provide nutritious breakfasts and snacks for children to choose from. Staff ensure that all allergies and dietary requirements are catered for. This information is shared with staff regularly to help keep children safe.

Water is available throughout the session to ensure that children remain hydrated. This contributes to children's overall good health and well-being.Children show good levels of independence.

For example, when children enter the club, they confidently take their belongings and hang them up on their peg. Children choose their own breakfast. They demonstrate good hand-eye coordination as they pour their own drinks.

Children are developing key skills they will need for the future.Staff are eager to provide the best possible experiences for children. The staff team have effective systems in place to evaluate the quality of their provision.

This includes the views of staff, children and parents. Children's views are of paramount importance. For example, questionnaires are used to gather children's suggestions.

Children develop a sense of belonging and ownership of the club.The provider places great importance on staff professional development. Staff access a wealth of training opportunities that allow them to further meet the needs of children.

For instance, staff have recently attended training on diabetes. As a result, they have put key strategies and plans in place to meet children's individual needs.Children show exceptional levels of consideration towards their friends.

Older children set up games for younger children to join in with. Children use the tunnels to take turns and push the cars down. Staff are close by and extend children's play.

They ask questions to enhance children's thinking. Children respond with excitement as they each guess which car will go the furthest. Children are motivated and curious learners.

Partnerships with parents are a strength at this club. Parents feel their children are safe and happy in the club. They comment that the staff team have excellent communication, which keeps them up to date on their child's day.

Overall, parents feel well supported and are happy with the service provided.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Mesne Lea Primary School

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