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Blackbrook Park Avenue, Blackbrook, Business Park, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 2PX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children arrive happily and settle quickly, ready to play and learn.
They make independent choices in their play and confidently explore the resources and nursery environment. Children benefit from a broad curriculum and get involved in an interesting range of activities. Children are eager to explore, whether they are mixing 'potions' or describing the different sounds that musical instruments make.
Staff know the children well.Children are well behaved. Older children learn to share and take turns.
Younger children show good levels of patience and cooperation, demonstrating that they understand behavioural e...xpectations.During the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders and managers maintained good contact with the families of those children not attending. Parents now come into the setting, although they do not go into the rooms.
This is to help reduce the risk of infection, but also enable staff to have a brief discussion with parents to ensure that important information is still exchanged. Parents report that they love the facilities, such as the sensory room and the outdoor space. They compliment the staff for their dedication and the level of care they provide for the children.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff and children enjoy warm and close relationships. Staff who are caring for younger children provide cuddles and reassurance. Older children confidently talk and interact with staff.
For example, they proudly talk about the pictures of their families that they have drawn.Children benefit from learning about a healthy lifestyle. All meals are prepared from fresh ingredients on site, providing a balanced and nutritious diet.
Children follow thorough hygiene routines and learn the importance of good handwashing to help prevent the spread of infection. They develop good physical skills as they play outdoors and take part in active sessions.Children thoroughly enjoy role play.
They hold dolls closely, patting them on the back to get them to sleep, or nurse them while they feed them their bottle of milk. They look through books, choose a recipe and bake a cake in the pretend oven. Children use language well to negotiate and take on different roles, playing out familiar scenarios using their imagination well.
Older children use spades and rakes to dig in the soil and look for carrots. Staff support children well, encouraging them to think about the different sizes and talk about what the carrots need to grow. Children enthusiastically explore and investigate the sand.
They use different-size containers to pour and measure, using words such as 'full' and 'empty' as they begin to learn about volume.Children's behaviour is good. However, sometimes, children are expected to wait for long periods of time.
Consequently, some children do not listen or follow staff's instructions, and noise levels rise within the room. Younger children begin to wander around as they wait dressed for outside play, while staff go in search of additional clothing, such as wellington boots.Leaders and managers have introduced 'in the moment' planning to support children's development.
However, staff's ability to extend children's learning is inconsistent, particularly with the younger children. Sometimes, staff do not seize every opportunity to enhance children's learning as much as possible in order to help them make the best possible progress.Leaders and managers value their staff team, involving them in the organisation of their rooms and giving them lead roles.
Leaders reflect on the quality of the provision and implement change to drive improvement. Staff have good opportunities to extend their knowledge, introducing new ideas with the children to improve outcomes. For example, children enjoy experimenting with different sounds, rhythm and music.
Staff events are organised and staff meetings and in-house training provided. This helps staff to feel valued.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a good understanding of child protection issues and are clear on their role and responsibilities to keep children safe. They complete safeguarding training and regularly discuss safeguarding matters in staff meetings to ensure they keep their knowledge up to date. Staff can recognise the signs or symptoms that may indicate that a child is at risk of harm.
They are aware of the correct reporting procedure to follow, including making safeguarding referrals themselves or reporting concerns about a colleague. Leaders and managers regularly revisit topics, such as behaviour management, to ensure that staff are consistent in their approach and know what to do to keep children safe.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of changeover times to ensure that children are not waiting for long periods of time, and maintain the calm learning environment develop staff's practice to consistently support children's communication and language to further extend their learning in all areas.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.