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About Kids Activity World
Kids Activity World
Aston By Sutton Primary School, Aston Lane, Aston, Runcorn, WA7 3DB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily and calmly at this welcoming club, after a busy day in school.
They show resilience when adapting to changes to routines due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. For example, the club is now situated within the host school's hall, rather than one of the classrooms. Children know where to put their belongings when they arrive and collect these independently at home time.
Staff have high expectations for children and give them praise, such as by saying, 'that's excellent'. If children need extra support to manage their feelings, staff do this sensitively and effectively. Children have good attitude...s towards their play.
They choose from a variety of toys, games, and activities. For example, children work together to make dens to play and relax in, commenting that 'this is the best den ever'. They develop their small-muscle skills as they build with small construction blocks and arrange small beads to look like a 'slice of watermelon'.
Children have many opportunities to use their own ideas, such as when painting, colouring, and making creative models. Outdoors, children show excellent physical skills as they play football games together and give each other advice on how to improve.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are passionate about creating a play environment, which is safe, happy, and homely for the children.
Staff ask children for their suggestions on the activities and toys that they would like. Leaders identify ways to further include the views of parents in the self-evaluation of the club, such as by sending out questionnaires to them.Staff provide experiences to children which complement their learning in school.
For example, during an autumn topic, children make 'spider's cobwebs' using black paper, chalk, paper straws, and string. Staff encourage them to practise writing their names on their creations and to talk about what they have made.Children demonstrate positive behaviour.
They follow instructions well and know what is expected of them. For example, during a practice fire evacuation, children line up immediately and safely leave the building with staff. In addition, if children accidently drop toys or equipment, they pick them up without needing to be asked to do so.
Care practices are good. An effective key-person system enables staff to build nurturing relationships with the children. This helps to support children during the initial settling-in period, and throughout their time at the club.
Children eat healthy foods and learn to independently peel fruit, such as tangerines. They have access to fresh water throughout the session and pour their own drinks. Children tidy away their plates when they finish eating.
Staff help children to learn about healthy eating and lifestyles. For example, they promote discussion about which fruits children enjoy most, and encourage children to exercise and play outdoors.Children are developing a good understanding of what makes people unique.
For example, they discuss that some people need dogs 'to guide them' if they cannot see. Children show pride in their achievements, such as being able to sing 'Happy Birthday' in Welsh. They have caring natures and praise one another.
For example, when admiring pictures that their friends draw, they say, 'you've made a masterpiece' and 'that's good'.Partnership working is strong. Staff maintain effective links with the host school and some staff also work there.
This helps to support children's continuity of care. Parents comment that their children 'really enjoy' attending the club. They are reassured that the club is a safe place for children to carry on learning after school, while also having fun.
Staff work in a small and close-knit team. They comment that they 'enjoy working with the children' and that they are well supported by leaders. Leaders have good oversight over mandatory training and encourage staff to finish this within the required timescales.
During appraisals, leaders identify further training for staff to complete.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Thorough recruitment procedures help leaders to check that all staff are suitable to work with children.
Staff complete safeguarding training and leaders check that this knowledge is kept up to date. Staff have a broad understanding of safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation and child neglect. They understand how to keep children protected from harm.
Staff know the referral procedure to follow, should they be concerned about a conduct of a colleague, or have concerns about children's welfare. The premises are safe and secure. Staff practise emergency evacuations regularly with the children to help to keep them safe.