Kids Childcare Hazel Grove Moorfield

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About Kids Childcare Hazel Grove Moorfield

Name Kids Childcare Hazel Grove Moorfield
Address MOORFIELD JUNIOR AND INFANT SCHOOL, Lyndhurst Avenue, Stockport, SK7 5HP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Stockport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club pleased to see their friends and the staff.

They are very familiar with the routine and put their bags and coats away before washing their hands ready for afternoon snack. There is a very welcoming and inclusive atmosphere as children help each other and the staff to set up at snack time. Staff join in with children's play and conversation.

Children relax and feel safe here. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour and children act respectfully towards each other. This is because children know the golden rules and staff consistently support them to remember these.

This helps... children to understand the impact they have on others. Children benefit from staff who care about each individual child. Children have opportunities to access the outdoor area for a range of physical play if they choose to.

They know that they have options, and staff encourage them to think about what they would like to do. This helps children to think for themselves and make their own decisions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and staff share the same vision for children at this club.

They want children to enjoy their time with their friends after their day at school. Staff show genuine interest in what children have to say. Children sit together and chat with each other while they have their afternoon snacks.

They relax and feel happy here.Children can access a range of activities available. They enjoy creating play dough models and using different cutters and tools.

Children discuss making caramel pizza and many other wonderful creations. Younger children imaginatively pretend they are aliens having dinner in the park together. Children and staff use their creativity, which makes their time here memorable.

Children show concentration and perseverance in their play. Young children involve themselves in creating building block structures with staff. They discuss their plans in detail and try different methods to successfully create their building.

This helps children to develop a positive attitude and motivation to achieve their goals.Staff encourage children to be independent. Children serve their own snacks and drinks, and help to clear away their plates.

They help staff to set out activities they want to do. Children understand how to take turns and wait. They ask for support if they need it.

Staff encourage children to develop their self-esteem as staff support them with positive praise.Staff report that they feel comfortable to speak to the manager and provider about any concerns they may have, including their own well-being. They report that they are very well supported and enjoy their work very much.

This is evident by how well they engage with children. However, strengthening the staff supervision process to ensure there are regular opportunities for confidential discussions will support staff even further.Children are very well supported according to their individual needs and abilities.

The provider, manager and staff are very sensitive with children and help them to understand the impact of their actions. This helps children to develop empathy and regulate their own feelings and emotions. This has a positive effect on children's self-esteem and confidence.

Staff have very good communication with the school and children's teachers. They ensure that they collect any information about each child's day that needs to be passed on to parents. Staff also discuss children's development and gain updates regarding any support in place for children.

This helps children to have a smooth transition to the club at the end of the school day.Parents are very happy with this after-school club. They say that they have good communication with staff, and their child has made good friends.

Parents say that their child is always happy when they collect them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good understanding of safeguarding procedures.

They know what to do if they are concerned about a child's safety and well-being or a colleague's conduct. All staff have recently completed safeguarding training. This ensures that staff are familiar with the correct reporting procedures if they are concerned about a child.

There is a good recruitment process in place. Staff suitability is checked thoroughly. This means that children are cared for by appropriately verified and checked adults.

Staff risk assess activities and indoor and outdoor areas to ensure children's safety. The setting has good security measures in place. Children are safe here.

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