Kids Klub Burnley Ltd

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About Kids Klub Burnley Ltd

Name Kids Klub Burnley Ltd
Address Rosewood Primary School, Rosewood Avenue, BURNLEY, Lancashire, BB11 2PH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children can relax after a busy day at school in this warm and vibrant club. There are plenty of exciting resources that are appropriate for the different ages of children who attend, linked to individual interests. Children quickly become absorbed in play and the atmosphere is positive and harmonious.

Children say they enjoy spending time at the club and have lots of fun.Children are familiar with routines and interact confidently with staff. This demonstrates that they feel safe and secure at the club.

Children of all ages listen carefully and respond to instructions. They take care of resources and are polite to each ot...her. Older children are good role models for younger children and help them to settle.

Children negotiate rules as they play competitive games, such as snooker and basketball. Children are encouraged to be creative and to use their imagination. For example, they use craft materials to make many creations and devise stories as they play with action figures.

Staff take time to play alongside children and encourage conversation as they chat with them. They read stories on demand and help children to complete word search puzzles. Staff are attentive to children's needs, and this helps to ensure that all children feel supported and included, particularly younger children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has a clear understanding of the strengths of the club and regularly reviews the provision. Consistent daily operating procedures are implemented to ensure the smooth running of the club. This enables staff to focus on interacting with children and to plan exciting activities that reflect their interests.

All children are welcomed and valued at the club. Staff meet regularly to discuss children's welfare. They plan carefully to ensure the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are met.

Staff share key information with parents and teachers in the host school. This helps to ensure a continuity of care.Kindness and respect are consistently modelled well by all staff.

They have clear expectations for behaviour and gently remind children of the club rules. Children demonstrate their awareness of these in their conduct. For example, they put resources away when they have finished with them and wait patiently for their turn to wash their hands.

Children's behaviour is good.Children confidently make their own choices and communicate these clearly. For example, they ask staff to play their favourite songs in the dance game that is projected onto a large screen.

They enthusiastically copy the actions displayed on the screen as they happily dance and sing along to their chosen tunes. Children demonstrate they are settled and have high levels of confidence.Staff provide a range of healthy food for children to choose from, such as wraps, fruit and vegetables.

Children develop their independence as they serve themselves and pour their own drinks. They learn how to keep themselves and others safe as staff encourage them to consider where to play in the large outdoor space. Children play ball games with care and avoid others as they glide downhill on wheeled vehicles.

Children's physical development is promoted well.Professional development is strong, and staff are encouraged to further their own qualifications. Staff have a clear understanding of their roles and benefit from regular supervisions.

They say they thoroughly enjoy working at the club and feel that the provider supports them well.Since the COVID-19 pandemic, parents now wait outside the club. Parents say they feel well informed about their children's time in the club.

They are highly complimentary about the staff and appreciate the quality of care provided for their children. Children are keen to tell their parents what they have been doing at the club and often request to go again.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff receive regular safeguarding training and have a good understanding of how to recognise that a child may be at risk of harm. They are aware of all types of safeguarding issues, including how children can be exposed to extreme or radical views. Staff know the procedures to follow should they have concerns about a child's welfare.

This includes the action to take if they have concerns about someone working with the children. Staff are deployed effectively to ensure that children are kept safe at all times. Robust recruitment procedures are followed to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

Also at this postcode
Rosewood Primary School

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