Kids Mix English Martyrs

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About Kids Mix English Martyrs

Name Kids Mix English Martyrs
Address English Martyrs RC School, Wycliffe Road, Urmston, MANCHESTER, M41 5AH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Trafford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show a strong sense of belonging in the welcoming provision.

They arrive excitedly and are warmly greeted by the kind and friendly staff. Children are keen to share stories from their day at school, which staff respond to with enthusiasm and intrigue. The extremely well-resourced provision offers a large array of play opportunities both inside and outdoors.

Children are continuously busy at play, designing crafts, mastering the mini gym and planning team games. They are happy and expressive and are eager to show visitors what they like best about their club. The long-standing staff team has high expectations for e...very child.

Staff encourage children to explore differences and similarities, and celebrate what makes them unique. They have developed exceptional bonds with all children. Many of the staff also work within the school, which helps to provide a continuity of care for children.

Behaviour management strategies mirror those of the host school. This provides children with clarity on routines and boundaries, and supports them in making good choices. When challenging behaviour arises, staff respond swiftly and support children to understand the impact of their behaviour.

Consequently, children of all ages display exemplary behaviour.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Members of the leadership team are hard working and dedicated to providing a high quality of care for children. They continuously seek out new ways to enhance and improve the club.

Leaders and staff regularly consult with children, parents and other professionals to gather their views. This helps them to assess what works well and what needs to change. For example, snack times have been adapted to further promote healthy eating and good table manners.

The host school praises the excellent partnerships it has with staff at the club. School staff describe the club as 'part of the school family' and say how invaluable the service has been to them. They discuss how club staff work closely with them to share any relevant information about children.

School staff also describe how the club are keen to continue any running themes or topics to support learning. For example, children enjoy making bookmarks and discussing their favourite stories, following on from the World Book Day theme.Risk assessments are conducted regularly to ensure that children are playing in a safe and secure environment.

Staff are assigned different areas of the provision to ensure that risk is continuously assessed. They regularly headcount children and use a highly effective system to maintain safety and organisation at collection times. This helps to ensure that children are always accounted for.

Children are provided with a rich set of experiences that help to prepare them for life. Leaders and staff consider the needs of all children and work to provide them with fun and worthwhile opportunities. They are proactive in the community and jump at any chance to encourage children to be active contributors to charities, local initiatives and even television opportunities.

Highly effective strategies are in place to help new children to settle quickly. Staff work closely with parents and school staff to get to know children and help them to thrive in their new environment. While all staff are extremely friendly and approachable, children of all ages are given a key person.

This helps to further promote the security and well-being of children. There are also a range of books available that help children to explore emotions and feelings, and they can access these in the dedicated cosy space.Children of all ages are kind and courteous.

This is further supported by the positive interactions of staff. Older children talk proudly about their important role in helping their younger friends. When children get upset, their friends are quick to comfort them with cuddles and reassurance.

Children discuss the 'friendship wreath' and how they are stronger together than apart. These measures aid children's understanding and development of empathy and respect for each other.Parents are hugely complimentary about the club.

Countless parents approach the inspector to discuss how happy they are with the service. They comment on the excellent staff team and how content they feel when their children are in their care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff demonstrate a secure knowledge of signs and symptoms which might indicate that a child is at risk from abuse or significant harm. Leaders regularly assess staff knowledge on safeguarding children and ensure they have access to regular training to keep their information current. Staff are clear about local referral procedures and the steps to take should they need to escalate a concern.

They also demonstrate a good knowledge of indicators that a family may be vulnerable to extreme views or ideas. Staff are aware of where to go for support should an allegation be made against them, or if they witness malpractice from another practitioner. Leaders apply stringent recruitment procedures to ensure the suitability of all staff.

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