Kids Planet Bromley

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About Kids Planet Bromley

Name Kids Planet Bromley
Ofsted Inspections
Address 64 Bromley, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, DY5 4PJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dudley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders and staff have created a learning environment that reflects the curriculum and helps children to build on their knowledge and skills as they progress through the nursery. The manager has a clear rationale for the learning priorities of the children in each room. For example, the play areas for babies are designed to support their large muscle development so they can play while standing up.

Two-year-old children have a wider range of opportunities to explore their play preferences and to make a choice about where they play and what they will do. Staff extend the support for pre-school children regarding their mathematica...l and literacy knowledge and skills. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), have positive attitudes to learning and progress well from their starting points.

Staff take time to get to know children and their families as part of the settling in process for new children. This helps children to quickly form trusting attachments. Babies show they feel safe and secure.

They welcome the frequent cuddles and gentle interactions from the staff. Two-year-old children are confident and gain good levels of independence, such as to pour their own drinks from a water dispenser or access tissue to wipe their nose. Overall, staff have a clear focus in their planning to help children to manage their behaviour, particularly to share and take turns.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The new provider has been proactive in evaluating the quality of the provision and making changes. Leaders have invested in additional indoor learning resources for children and have plans to revamp the outdoor provision.Leaders have focused on training staff and reviewing the practice across the nursery.

Staff say they are well supported in their roles and feel they have all benefited from the smooth transition over to the new provider. There is a strong, long-standing team and staff retention is high. However, monitoring and training has not been fully effective in identifying where staff need further guidance to raise the quality of their teaching and daily practices to a consistently high level.

Parent partnerships are a real strength of the nursery. Leaders and staff work closely with parents to exchange information about children and provide continuity for their learning at home and at nursery. For example, staff provide parents with resources they can take home to use with their children.

This includes a lending library and age-related resources, such as sensory bottles for babies.Staff have a detailed understanding about their key children. They make good use of their observations of children's progress to identify their interests and identify specific targets for their learning.

They use this information well to generate clear learning intentions for each room and for individual children.The SENCo has a clear overview of the progress that children with SEND are making. She works closely with parents, staff and outside agencies to implement targeted support when children need more support to achieve their development milestones.

Overall, children behave well. The manager and staff have implemented a shared approach across the nursery to help children link their emotions to colour. Staff are currently helping older children to manage their feelings related to the move to school.

However, staff do not ensure that pre-school children fully understand the reasons that some rules are in place. They do not set clear expectations for children during the rolling snack routine.The manager focuses on providing children with enriching learning experiences to deliver the curriculum.

This includes making use of the facilities in the local community, such as the library. Leaders invest in outside specialist support teachers, such as sporting and rhyming sessions.Staff provide children with learning experiences that support their critical thinking.

For example, pre-school children consider how they can rescue a toy dog stuck in a tree. Two-year-old children decide which craft resources and tools they will need to make a picture.The new menu provides children with a range of healthy and nutritious meals and snacks.

Water is always available with the addition of milk at mealtimes. Staff follow food hygiene routines and help children learn how to limit the spread of germs, such as through regular handwashing. Children benefit from frequent opportunities throughout the day to be physically active outdoors.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: monitor staff practice further to help identify where staff need additional guidance to consistently provide children with high quality learning experiences reinforce expectations with the pre-school children so they all fully understand the rules relating to the various daily routines.

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