Kids Planet Hoylake

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About Kids Planet Hoylake

Name Kids Planet Hoylake
Ofsted Inspections
Address 1 Queens Road, Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire, CH47 2AG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wirral
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive excitedly at this inclusive nursery. They are keen to explore the activities on offer and show high levels of curiosity. Children toast marshmallows on the firepit outside.

They remind their friends to use the 'safety stance' and to turn away from the smoke to keep safe. They shout 'good job' to staff when they light the fire. Children behave extremely well and display exceptionally high levels of engagement and concentration.

Children's interests and needs are well known and staff are clear about what they want children to learn. Any gaps in children's learning are identified quickly. The excellent lin...ks that are in place with other professionals enable staff to seek guidance to help all children to reach their full potential.

All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make good progress from their starting points.Children feel safe and secure. They have developed loving bonds with the professional, nurturing staff that care for them.

Staff ask permission before they change children's nappies and children are provided with regular cuddles and reassurance throughout the day. Children explore the exciting learning environment with high levels of curiosity. Babies take their first steps and look to the staff, who immediately offer them praise.

Young children attempt to climb over bridges and, as they wobble, they confidently have another try. Older children use their coordination to dribble balls between the cones and scream, 'I did it,' when they score a goal. Children show high levels of confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Parents are extremely keen to share their positive views of the nursery. They have seen lots of progress with their children's development since they have started attending. Parents value the regular communication they receive regarding their children's care and development.

They say their children 'cheer' as they arrive at nursery and that they love it here. Relationships with parents are extremely effective and supportive.Children are extremely independent.

They are eager to help throughout the day. Younger children place cups and plates out for the other children at mealtimes. Older children regularly pour themselves a drink of water and attempt to tie their own shoe-laces.

Children are extremely confident in their own abilities.Leaders are very passionate about ensuring they provide children with opportunities to explore the local community. They regularly visit the local forest, where they collect natural resources to explore back in the nursery.

They visit local places of worship and talk positively about different family structures and religious festivals. Children are provided with many opportunities to learn about the diverse world we live in.Overall, children's communication and language development is supported well.

As babies point to objects, staff name the objects. Some staff use mealtimes as an opportunity to promote language and social skills by sitting and interacting with children. Children of all ages access a range of stories throughout the day.

They recall the characters from 'The Gruffalo' story. While some staff demonstrate exemplary teaching skills, this is not yet consistently embedded throughout nursery.Leaders strive to make continuous improvements that benefit children and their families.

Leaders involve parents, staff and children to help to identify where improvements can be made. For example, the manager has introduced sharing information about a policy each month, following a request from parents. Leaders are reflective and continuously look for ways to make improvements.

Before children move on to school, staff talk to them about any worries they may have. They invite teachers into the nursery to enable the children to meet them. Staff provide children with photos of their new school and the classrooms.

This helps children to become familiar with the school and the teacher who will look after them. Transition arrangements are extremely effective.Children make healthy choices.

They talk about the health benefits of carrots and know that things like 's'mores' are a treat as they have lots of sugar content. Children take part in many physical opportunities and regularly get out of breath. They particularly enjoy 'wiggling away their worries' before lunchtime.

Children learn about healthy lifestyles from a young age.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The designated safeguarding lead supports all staff to continually improve their safeguarding knowledge.

Staff are confident to identify concerns that may indicate a child is at risk of harm and they know the procedures to follow. They know how some safeguarding issues may impact on children and their families, for instance children witnessing domestic abuse or being exposed to extreme views. Children are provided with excellent opportunities to learn about fire safety when they complete activities around the fire.

They recall that they must be careful and keep their distance, as their clothes are 'flammable'. They tell visitors that the fire is dangerous and it can burn you.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the targeting of professional development to raise the quality of teaching to a consistently exceptional level.

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