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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are very happy and feel secure in this friendly nursery. They are excited to arrive and are warmly greeted by managers and key members of staff. Children's health and growing independence are supported by the whole staff team, who understand every child is unique.
Babies and younger children are treated very kindly, and staff are vigilant to follow babies' home routines for feeding, changing and sleeping. Staff provide babies with plenty of safe, obstacle-free space for crawling and exploring, so their coordination and strength develop well.Staff support all children to behave well throughout the nursery.
They... skilfully and gently outline behaviour expectations using consistent reminders of rules and boundaries. Staff sensitively support children to examine the consequences of any unwanted behaviour. They talk about the impact it has on both themselves and their friends.
Children respond well. They are well behaved, tolerant and helpful.The manager and staff have a very good understanding of their curriculum and what they want children to learn.
Staff know their key children well and plan activities based on their individual interests and abilities. Staff evaluate the impact of activities on children's progress, and this is closely monitored by the manager. All children make good progress from their starting points in learning.
They are well prepared for their next stage of learning, including going to school.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff support all children to be independent learners. They encourage babies to confidently explore their surroundings.
Toddlers learn to feed themselves and wipe their faces. Older children pour fresh water when they need it and use the toilet independently. Staff encourage children's cooperative skills very well during calm, sociable mealtimes.
They play classical music as they talk to children about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and diet.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and their families very well. They plan additional activities to help ensure children gain the necessary skills for their future.
Staff work with professionals as needed and funding is used effectively. They work well with the schools that children move on to.Children's communication skills are well supported in a language-rich environment.
Staff engage children in high-quality discussions during song, story and music times, such as lively 'dough disco' sessions. Staff are lovely role models. They are polite, and use a very good commentary, introducing new and challenging vocabulary to children.
For example, during a mark-making activity with natural items, staff commented on the names of the parts of a flower as children explored creatively. Staff challenged them to count and compare petals and consider the lengths of stems and twigs. This helps to support children's mathematical language.
Staff do not consistently maximise opportunities for children to develop early literacy skills themselves. For example, a wide variety of books are not shared invitingly for children to choose easily. Blackboards and white boards are missing a selection of chalks and pens.
The nursery has undergone a period of change within the staff and management team. Leaders have worked hard to make sure the current staff team, including new staff and apprentices, feel valued and listened to. There is a positive action plan to ensure the nursery continues to move forward.
This includes ongoing professional development for staff and improvements to the outdoor setting to offer children more regular 'forest-type' activities.Staff teach children how to keep themselves safe. For example, they use activities and discussions to help them learn about safety and talk with them about how accidents happen.
Staff are regularly assessing the risks to children during activities. They recognise the needs and behaviours of each child in their care and use their understanding effectively to anticipate risks and prevent accidents.The overwhelming feedback from parents' questionnaires is that they are delighted with the nursery and speak highly of the manager and staff.
They say they are well informed of where their children are in their learning and how they can support them further at home.Staff do not consistently make the best use of the extensive learning environment to stimulate children's interests and meet their needs. For instance, on occasion, resources such as role-play opportunities are not set up well enough with interesting and exciting items to encourage children's thinking, language and social skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nincrease opportunities for children to develop their awareness and interest in early reading and to develop their early writing skills further develop the role-play areas, so that children can explore the wide range of resources to fully support their imaginary play and to captivate and challenge their interests further.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.