Kids Planet Poulton Carr Head

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About Kids Planet Poulton Carr Head

Name Kids Planet Poulton Carr Head
Ofsted Inspections
Address Kids Planet Day Nursery, Carr Head Lane, Poulton-le-fylde, FY6 8JB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive and make excellent progress as a result of the meticulously planned and well-sequenced curriculum.

Each child's learning experience is tailored to their individual needs by staff who know them very well. Staff have a robust understanding of what each child needs to learn next. This means that children are continually challenged to build on and add depth to their knowledge and understanding.

For instance, staff notice babies' aptitude for number. Their skilful teaching through play means that babies develop a strong base of early mathematical knowledge that staff continually build on. Outdoor lear...ning and the acquisition of skills and varied experiences shine as key themes.

Staff promote clear rules and boundaries which support children's excellent behaviour and attitudes towards their learning. For instance, children understand the importance of following rules and listening carefully to instructions during regular fire-pit sessions in their forest area. Children become independent and resilient as a result of staff's encouragement and thoughtful teaching.

They learn interesting skills and are keen to try new challenges, such as lighting a fire with a flint and steel. Children make rapid progress and are confident learners who are thoroughly ready for their onward education.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Intentions for children's learning are clear and are superbly embedded throughout the nursery.

A key focus is promoting a love of books and children's language skills. Staff skilfully link and extend children's learning using books and stories. For example, children learn more about particular animals in their 'Dear Zoo' book when they visit the zoo.

The curriculum includes input from sports coaches who plan outdoor games, such as dinosaur football which incorporate the correct pronunciation of tricky dinosaur names. Opportunities for interesting discussions are plentiful. A life-long love of stories and language is fostered effectively.

Staff plan for children to learn specific physical and sports skills through daily coaching. For example, young children kick, throw and dodge balls with competent accuracy. Children understand and talk about the importance of hydration during physical activity.

They learn about their bodies, breathing and movement. Staff link this to support children to understand and manage their emotions in yoga sessions, for instance. Children take part in a wide range of sports which sparks early interest in physical activity, health and well-being.

Staff foster a culture of respect and promote children's social skills, supporting them to form bonds with people of all ages. Children routinely learn in small groups with their peers and include children of different ages. Visits to a local care home promote discussions with older people and are planned to promote specific areas of children's learning.

Children hear different vocabulary and learn first hand how transport has changed over time, for instance. Outings to cafes help children to use their language and communication skills for a specific purpose. Children become confident in new social situations and in their communications.

Staff support children to celebrate diversity and difference in a meaningful way. Children learn how their friends worship in different ways, such as by shaving their hair in an Indian temple ceremony. Staff teach children how those with a serious illness may be affected and they celebrate individual health journeys.

Children gain an excellent understanding of how they are each unique.Procedures for monitoring children's progress are robust. This means that emerging gaps in their learning and development are identified early, and gaps are swiftly closed.

Skilful teaching throughout the nursery supports all children to make excellent progress. Where support from outside agencies is required, there is a strong network to facilitate this in a timely manner.Relationships with parents are strong and promote a highly effective flow of information.

Parents note down children's changing interests daily on arrival to keep staff updated. Parents join their children for regular and interesting sessions. For instance, they share hot chocolate and stories around the camp fire where children teach parents the rules for staying safe.

Consistency of care and learning for children is promoted superbly.Staff share their expertise with colleagues. For instance, the outdoor learning lead and sports coaches support other staff to enhance the skills of the team.

Exemplary practice is shared with other settings to raise the quality of teaching within the early years sector. Staff complete additional qualifications and are keen to enhance their knowledge. Staff feel valued and supported in their careers.

This promotes the best possible outcomes for all children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Poulton-le-Fylde Carr Head Primary School

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