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283a Wallasey Village, Wallasey, Cheshire, CH45 3HA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children flourish in this exceptional and inspiring setting which has been designed solely as a baby unit.
Children show engagement and enthusiasm to explore and learn from their environment. The setting has been developed into calm, neutral areas for the children to spend quality time with their key person using their senses to learn. Staff are trained in baby massage, which takes place in their baby spa.
This helps children to develop secure attachments with adults and promotes health benefits for the children. Children are empowered to make their own decisions and their behaviour is exceptional. Children from... a young age are extremely independent.
They will attempt to put on their own outdoor suits and feed themselves. Children are confident, resilient and secure in their surroundings. Staff effectively support transitions to the bigger nursery building which prepares children well for their next stage in nursery.
Leaders and managers have a clear vision about what they want children to achieve. Staff have high expectations for children and interactions are of an extremely high quality. Children are given time to respond which leads to chatty, babbling babies who thrive from interaction.
Children's individual achievements are celebrated in the setting with displays of happy moments at home with their families.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers are inspirational. They have high standards for the children and all staff are clear on children's next steps.
The curriculum and environment have been designed to give children the opportunity to make their own choices in their learning. For example, based on the babies interests, they freely explore, using their senses and different herbs and scents in a large, mirrored tray while interacting with an adult. This develops their communication and fine-motor skills and sense of exploration.
Reflective practice is exemplary. Both leaders and staff evaluate their practice continuously. This creates a thoughtful team which strive to achieve the best outcomes for children.
Staff are supported through supervisions and well-being is a high priority.Staff have built strong relationships with parents. They provide a variety of resources to support the children's communication and language at home, such as 'chatter' boxes and a lending library.
Parents express how supported the whole family are and how effective communication is. Parents state that the care their children receive is personalised to their child's needs.All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities develop extraordinarily well.
Staff have a strong understanding of children's individual needs and the next steps they need to achieve their goals. They work closely with parents and external agencies, and parents express how supportive the staff are.Healthy practices are extremely well promoted in the setting.
Children will clean their hands and faces before and after meals. They will do this without being promoted, which shows this learning is well embedded. Water and fresh fruit are accessible throughout the day and babies will engage with staff when they want them.
Children particularly enjoy the outdoor environment, playing outdoors in all weathers and accessing fresh air daily. Children are taken out regularly in the local area to visit the beach and the park. On occasions such as Easter, babies venture out on walks in the community to hand out Easter eggs to the local people.
Children can be found exploring the different herbs they have grown from seeds, and independently taking turns to water them. This develops from a young age their understanding of caring for living things Staff have developed a strong environment to enhance children's communication and language. Staff sing rhymes with children as they join in with sounds and actions.
At a young age, children are already forming a love for books. Books are displayed next to activities to further enhance learning. Children regularly pick up books and take them over to a member of staff to read.
Staff are very animated as they read, which engages children and further develops their interest in stories.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate an excellent knowledge of safeguarding children in their care.
All staff are aware of signs and symptoms to look out for in children and the procedures to follow to report these if they have a concern. Leaders and managers have developed a robust induction period for staff to make sure that all staff are well trained, and training is continuous. Staff are trained in safe sleeping for children and share this knowledge with parents.
Any areas of improvement are shared with the whole company so that everyone can retrain and develop their knowledge. Risk assessments are carried out daily to make sure that the environment is safe and secure for children. Staff hold up-to-date paediatric first-aid certificates.