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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Children are happy to come to nursery and are eager to find their friends to play with. Staff are friendly and welcoming and greet children and parents at the door when they arrive.
This helps children to settle and feel safe and secure. Children appear to be confident in the nursery. They choose what to play with from the activities available and approach staff when they need to.
Children have some opportunities to talk about how they feel and express themselves through activities such as making clay faces with smiles and frowns. Older children understand how to behave at story time. They point at the 'golden rules' post...er to remind them of what to do.
The quality of education provided to children is inconsistent. Leaders do not plan staffing rotas as well as possible to ensure staff deployment is sufficient to meet the learning needs of all children. This leads to times when children are less engaged and motivated in purposeful play.
This also has an impact on the arrangements to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children who require additional focus and help from staff do not always receive the support they need.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Parents comment that their children feel happy and settled.
They appreciate the support and flexible approach that the nursery offers. Parents feel able to discuss their child with their key person. Managers' and staff's open communication helps parents to feel connected to their children's day-to-day activities and well-being.
Leaders also provide an online system for parents with observations and photos to support children's learning at home.Key persons work with parents to gather information about children's development needs and interests. They complete some planning that focuses on helping children to achieve their developmental milestones.
However, planning for some children is generic and does not account for each child's essential learning needs. This leads to activities that are neither meaningful nor sufficiently challenging to inspire children's curiosity and enthusiasm to learn.Staff sit with children as they play, occasionally showing interest in what children are playing with.
However, their interactions with children are weak. Staff do not consistently promote children's learning well enough or target their support on what children need to learn next. Some staff give children too many instructions, and children become overwhelmed.
At times, older children lack the engagement and challenge they need to promote their learning further.Staff do not provide sufficient opportunities for children to hear different words, patterns of sentences and rhythms of conversation. They give children instructions and one-word answers that do not develop children's communication and language.
Staff do not create a rich environment of language and words that enable children to become comfortable using a rich range of vocabulary and to extend their thinking.Leaders and staff monitor children's progress and identify children who need additional support. This includes implementing interventions and liaising with outside agencies.
However, due to staffing arrangements, children do not always receive effective support from staff who have the necessary skills and understanding to meet their needs.Managers use pupil premium funding to help reduce gaps in children's learning and development. They work with parents to identify what their child needs.
This includes extending their range of learning experiences and building confidence.Staff ensure that children have access to healthy fruits and vegetables at snack time and during meals. Children enjoy plenty of daily opportunities for outside play where they can be physically active and enjoy the fresh air.
Children's learning needs are not always prioritised when planning staff deployment. Staff deployment is not fully effective in ensuring that practitioners in the rooms are always able to meet the learning needs of children, although children's essential care and well-being needs are met. Qualified staff are stretched with responsibilities to support unqualified staff in the room and provide quality teaching for children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date develop a system of observations and assessments to recognise children's progress, understand their learning needs and plan activities that are suitable and challenging, and help them make progress in learning 05/03/2025 provide opportunities for children to experience a rich language environment to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations 05/03/2025 ensure effective arrangements are in place to support children with SEND with particular regard to the number of staff and range of resources available to them 05/03/2025 ensure that all staff are adequately qualified and equipped to fulfil their roles and responsibilities to meet the needs of all children.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.