KidsOwn Ashton

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About KidsOwn Ashton

Name KidsOwn Ashton
Address Ashton Playing Fields, 598 Chigwell Road, Woodford Green, IG8 8AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are very happy and settled at this after-school club. They feel secure and show they have strong bonds with staff.

Children thoroughly enjoy the time they spend playing and chatting with their peers and staff about their day. Staff set up resources that capture children's interests. Children are engaged and confident as they choose what to do, where to play and who to play with.

They tell visitors about their favourite activities, such as drawing and running on the outdoor track.Staff provide activities throughout the session for children to develop their physical skills. For instance, children enjoy playing with resources and games that involve the use of tweezers.

They request hula hoops, lay them up on the floor and excitedly jump forward inside them. Children have plenty of opportunities to move their bodies in a range of different ways and for energetic play indoors and outdoors. The relationships between staff and children are warm and positive.

Staff set clear expectations for children's behaviour. Children behave well. They share resources and encourage others to play with them.

Older children show younger children how to bounce the ball and hit it with the bat to play table tennis.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know children well and are attentive to their needs. For instance, they understand that children might need some rest after a busy day at school.

Therefore, they have created an area to relax and socialise equipped with books, rugs and pillows. Staff give younger children support to settle into the club, and children keenly join in with a range of experiences that interest them.Children and staff interact well together.

Children concentrate during their play, and staff support their ideas. For example, staff find out what children want to create and ensure that materials are available for them.Children socialise well at the after-school club and demonstrate respect for each other.

They laugh with their friends and show pleasure as they build towers and make snakes out of paper plates together. Staff praise their achievements. This supports children's self-esteem.

Children learn hygiene and self-care skills. They wash their hands on arrival and before eating. Staff offer children a variety of healthy foods and discuss what they need to have a healthy lifestyle.

They explain to children that eating fruit and vegetable soup makes them strong. Tea time is calm and staff model the behaviours they expect. Children tidy up after themselves and scrape their plates when they have finished.

Staff are deployed well and supervise children carefully. Staff remind children of road safety rules while walking from the local schools to the after-school club. In addition, staff and children complete termly fire drills.

As a result, children learn how to behave safely on the road and what to do in an emergency.The provider ensures that staff complete mandatory training, such as first-aid training, and that their knowledge and understanding of safeguarding are current. Staff are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse.

They know the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child's welfare.In addition, the provider follows a robust recruitment and induction process. This supports children's safety and well-being effectively.

The provider ensures that new staff understand the policies and are supported by more-experienced team members. All staff feel valued and part of a cohesive and caring team.The after-school club offers an inclusive service.

Staff welcome children of all abilities and backgrounds. They support all children to take part in and enjoy the activities on offer.Staff form good relationships with parents and carers.

They regularly share information with them about their children's day and what experiences they had at the club. Parents are complimentary about the caring and friendly staff. They value the support that they receive.

Parents say that their children are happy at the after-school club and they do not know what they would do without it.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Greenway Kindergarten, Ashton Branch

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