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About KidsZone

Name KidsZone
Address 8th Morden Scout HQ, Jubilee Hall, Green Lane, MORDEN, Surrey, SM4 6SS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Merton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and have fun at this lively setting.

They are excited to arrive and know the routine well. Children help staff to pack away their high-visibility jackets from their walk from school and independently hang up their coats. They are pleased to see their friends and settle quickly.

Children enthusiastically chat about their day. For example, they share their feelings about putting their faces in the water during swimming lessons. Children are enthusiastic to explore the range of games and resources available.

They play well together and cooperate to build with blocks and complete puzzles. Younger ch...ildren enjoy cuddling up with staff to share books and listen to stories. Staff help older children to sound out words to develop their reading skills.

Children enjoy talking about what is happening in the pictures, which helps to develop their imaginative skills. Staff teach children the rules of simple games, such as dominos, which helps them to practise turn taking.Managers plan a variety of activities and experiences to broaden children's knowledge of the wider world.

For example, they provide craft activities and discussions about endangered animals and the King's Coronation.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers have taken action to improve since the last inspection. They have provided learning opportunities for all staff to improve their knowledge, to ensure that children are safe in the setting and as they walk from school together.

In addition, managers have put monitoring systems in place to make sure that a good standard of safety is maintained.Children confidently make choices at mealtimes and enjoy their food. Staff talk to children about the healthy choices they are making.

Younger children practise spreading butter and pouring water, which helps them to develop important life skills.Staff support children's emotional well-being. They sensitively offer encouragement and praise as children try new things.

Staff teach children that it is okay to not know something, for example by saying when they are not sure about something themselves. This helps to develop children's self-esteem and confidence.Children are friendly and considerate of others.

They give each other cuddles as they leave and cooperate together as they tidy up toys. All children play well together and have good relationships with each other and staff. These interactions help children to develop their social skills and confidence with other people.

Children behave extremely well. Staff teach them to follow simple rules, such as carrying chairs with the legs facing down and not running indoors. This teaches children how to keep themselves safe.

Staff share their observations with other professionals as part of the assessment of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The liaise with children's schools to ensure that their needs are met across both settings.Parents are extremely happy with the care which their children receive at the setting.

They say that their children become more confident and willing to try new things through their experiences in the setting. Communication is good and parents feel well informed about what happens at the setting.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers have fire safety equipment in place and in good working order. Staff and managers have completed a range of training to improve their abilities to safeguard children. This includes fire marshal and paediatric first-aid training so that they know what to do in an emergency.

Staff can identify the signs and symptoms of abuse. They know what to do if they are worried a child is at risk of harm. Staff understand the mobile phone policy and their responsibilities to report any concerns they have about staff's behaviour towards children.

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