Kidspace Richmond

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About Kidspace Richmond

Name Kidspace Richmond
Address Richmond Primary School, Towers Drive, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 0ZD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children look forward to going to the club.

They arrive keen to find out what activities are on offer that day. The atmosphere in the club is calm and harmonious. Children share with staff what they are interested in and what they would like to do.

Activities are carefully planned as a result of children's responses. Children have lots of opportunities to be imaginative. They play with dolls in the home corner and make pretend cakes.

Later, children animatedly tell the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' in the puppet theatre with their friends. Children's behaviour is exemplary. They display high levels of respect f...or each other and adults.

They support children who need help without being prompted. They say please and thank you to each other. Children have plenty of opportunities to be physically active outside.

They enjoy choosing from the vast range of sporting equipment on offer. Children take part in team games. They play football and smile when they are praised by staff for scoring a goal.

Children spend time perfecting their throwing and catching skills. When it is time to go inside, children calmly gather up equipment and put it away carefully without being asked. The routines and rules of the club are clear.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know all the children very well. They recognise children may not have opportunities to learn how to bake different foods at home. Staff plan to broaden on these experiences by providing daily cooking activities.

Children learn how to make bread. Children with allergies are supported well. All staff are aware of children's dietary needs.

Clear procedures are in place to prevent cross-contamination of foods at snack times and during cooking activities.Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the setting. They say their children are always asking to attend extra sessions as they love going.

Parents comment that all the staff are friendly and helpful. Any concerns are dealt with swiftly and resolutions communicated to parents clearly. Parents can access a range of information about staffing and inform staff who is collecting their child via an online system.

Staff interact with children throughout the day. For example, children enjoy working with a member of staff to make stress balls using balloons and flour. Children and staff laugh hysterically as staff show them how to add flour to a balloon and it explodes everywhere.

Children and staff work together to find a solution. Children talk about their different feelings and emotions.The manager is very reflective about the provision she offers.

She knows what is working well and what she would like to continue to improve. Staff all have regular discussions with the manager to improve their practice. Online training is offered so staff can continue to further their knowledge.

Staff share how training impacts on their practice at staff meetings. When recruiting new staff, a clear induction procedure is in place.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well.

Clear plans are in place to support children and all staff are aware of their needs. Staff adapt activities to make sure children with SEND are always fully included.Staff supervise children very well throughout the day.

They move around the room and outside areas well to carefully monitor the children. Risk assessments are effective. Staff check the outdoor area before children go outside to play to check for any hazards.

Staff ensure the environment is suitable for children throughout the day and that adults are deployed effectively to keep all children safe.Staff help children to develop healthy lifestyles. Children are provided with a healthy snack and have access to fresh drinking water throughout the day.

Children have access to a large outdoor space, where they can run around and take part in a range of physical activities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The club has a secure entry system.

Fire exit doors are clearly signposted. Staff practise fire drills with children regularly to ensure all children know how to exit the building safely in the event of a fire. Staff have a secure knowledge of safeguarding and how to keep children safe from harm.

They know who to report concerns to and are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse. Clear procedures are in place if a child injures themselves at the club. Accident forms have to be signed by parents so staff are sure they have been informed of the injury.

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Richmond Playgroup Richmond Primary School

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