Kidszone Out Of School Care

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About Kidszone Out Of School Care

Name Kidszone Out Of School Care
Address St. Pauls C of E Primary School, St. Pauls Road, MANCHESTER, M20 4PG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Manchester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children receive a warm welcome from the friendly and cheerful staff as they arrive at this very well organised after-school club.

The club works in a close partnership with the school to ensure that children make a safe transition to the club at the end of the day. This ensures that children are kept safe and feel secure and happy. Children choose from a range of carefully thought through activities.

They relax in a cosy space and read a book or play with their friends. Children are highly engaged as they dress up dolls and chatter with each other and staff about what they are doing. They laugh as they slide the dolls tog...ether down a pretend slide and into a box, which they say is a bath.

Staff encourage children to support and lead their own play and develop their imagination. Children get lots of fresh air and exercise at the club. They choose to go outside and take part in team games, such as football, where children of all ages play confidently together.

Children use giant noughts and crosses pieces outdoors or play in pairs with bats and balls. This supports children to develop their physical skills and to learn to share and play cooperatively.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children behave very well at the club.

There are clear expectations and a well-embedded routine. All children have regular meetings in small groups with their key person in a quiet environment. They discuss the expectations of their behaviour and any ideas they have for new activities or changes to make the club even better.

Children talk enthusiastically about the activity book, in which they can contribute further ideas and suggestions. This reflects the highly positive and respectful relationships between staff and children.Children benefit from a wide variety of adult-led activities linked to events, the seasons or to their interests.

Children are engrossed as they meticulously paint snowflakes and winter scenes onto cardboard circles. They carefully slot the circles into a cardboard ring and delightedly stand them up to make snow globes. Children are keen to show what they have made and are praised by the staff for their efforts.

This supports children to develop their confidence and to take pride in their achievements.Children are well supported to make healthy choices at the club. They choose from a wide selection of nutritious snacks and help themselves to a drink of water.

They understand that the club is a 'screen-free' zone. Children are able to talk about why this is, saying that it is not healthy for them to be in front of a screen for too long.Club leaders place a strong focus on the well-being of the staff team and value the individual skills they each bring to the club.

Children benefit from staff musical or creative skills, such as playing the guitar or costume making. This gives the children the opportunity to develop their own talents and skills and to have experiences that they might not otherwise have.Staff speak very positively about leaders and the wider team.

They say that they love working in such a happy and inclusive setting. Staff benefit from a thorough induction process, when they start working at the club. They undertake a range of training.

They shadow more experienced members of staff to enable them to learn to provide the very best support and care for the children. All staff have regular supervision meetings, where they discuss their professional development and any ideas for making the club even better. This ensures that the club is constantly improving.

Parents are appreciative of the care and support their children receive at the club. They say that their children enjoy attending and benefit from mixing with older and younger children. Parents state that they are well informed about their child's time at the club.

This demonstrates that there is a positive partnership between the club and parents, which supports children well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St Paul’s CofE Primary School

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