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About Kidz Enterprise- Cippenham
Kidz Enterprise- Cippenham
Cippenham School, Elmshott Lane, SLOUGH, SL1 5RB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and confident at this holiday club. They arrive with enthusiasm and are eager to meet their friends.
Children know and understand the routines of the day. They are quick to engage in the many activities available to them. Staff prepare a range of resources that motivate children to make choices about what they want to do.
Children enjoy arts and crafts and many team games throughout the day.Staff promote positive behaviour through building relationships with children that are respectful and caring. They set clear expectations of behaviour and ask the children to share their views of the rules of the club....
As a result, children behave very well. They take turns and play together without prompting. They show care for each other and invite others to join them, helping them feel included.
They recognise when others may be feeling a little shy or are unable to join in some activities. They include them in their play and adapt their games to be inclusive of each other's abilities. Children are kind and considerate.
There is a mutual respect shared by adults who model caring relationships.Staff promote and encourage children's independence as they demonstrate pizza making. Children choose the sauces and toppings they want on their pizza.
Staff encourage the children to make healthy choices. They offer vegetables as an addition to the toppings the children choose.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The leaders use their knowledge and experience of the children to create a welcoming, and nurturing environment.
All children feel included. Staff are effective in their roles and responsibilities as they recognise and identify children's needs. For example, they know when children with special educational needs and/or disabilities find some group activities overwhelming.
They provide one-to-one support to enable children to join in activities.Staff ensure that children have a wide range of opportunities to be physically active, as part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Children enjoy plenty of play outdoors.
They master their skills as they play relay games. They learn to work together in teams and celebrate each other's involvement in the game. However, there are times when staff do not effectively engage some children and they lose interest and leave the activity.
Children enjoy regular trips to various places, such as the beach or wildlife park. Leaders plan trips which are fun and engaging for the children. They complete thorough risk assessments and review these following any incidents to make any necessary changes to practice.
This ensures that further trips or outings are suitable and that children are kept safe.Leaders put in place effective strategies, such as team meetings, to review practice. They share opportunities for improvements and new ideas for the children to enjoy.
This helps to ensure that children receive good quality experiences. A commitment to reflective practice encourages staff to contribute their thoughts and ideas. The atmosphere in the club is calm and happy.
Children show a sense of belonging and staff are attentive to their needs.Children express their thoughts about the club and contribute their ideas. Staff give the children opportunities to lead activities, offering support where needed.
Children have a good sense of being fair and taking turns in the games and activities they choose. They work together to decide rules, how to set the games up and what resources they need. For example, when they have decided the game, they explain to staff how to play.
Staff follow the children's lead and help in initiating the game. There is a real sense of fun as children and staff come together and enjoy themselves.Leaders and staff have developed good links with the school.
They communicate well with other providers who use the school space. They know who is using what areas so that they can work together to keep children safe. Staff ensure that the premises are safe and secure.
For example, they check that gates are locked and that any visitors are monitored and wear badges to identify who they are. Children recognise the badges and welcome visitors and are keen to show them around the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
All staff have a good knowledge and understanding of the signs and indicators that children may be at risk of harm. This includes wider safeguarding concerns, such as exploitation and female genital mutilation. They can demonstrate the processes they follow if they have concerns about a child.
Staff know what to do in the event of an allegation against a staff member. Recruitment procedures ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children, and leaders maintain and monitor staff ongoing suitability. Risk assessments are reviewed and adapted to ensure that children are kept safe in all activities at the club.